Feeling Welcome

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"The City of Forks Welcomes You - Population 3247," I read allowed as Dad drives Baby by the town sign.

"Now 3252," Jack adds from beside me, us sharing a small smile. He and I have never gotten to spend more than a few weeks at a time together with my parents split custody, but this move should give us the chance we've always wanted. The chance to actually be siblings.

"Well, I feel welcome," Uncle Sam's voice joins in through the speaker of my phone, him driving the UHaul behind us.

"Shut it, Sam. This is a quiet, small town where we can retire in peace. Nothing supernatural," Dad states, voice hard.

"Nothing supernatural, except your husband and son," Castiel corrects from the passenger seat.

"Yes, of course, but no one needs to know that," Dad agrees as he slows Baby to a stop on a suburban street. Crawling across the back seat, I'm nearly laying on Jack as he and I look at the house in front of us. It's not overly large like the Men of Letter's Bunker, but it's definitely not small either. Its an olive color, with ivory accents and a small front porch with a porch swing. It's completely normal, and I love that about it.

"Come on Artie," Jack requests giddily, throwing open his door and jumping out, me following right behind and shutting the door harder than I should have.

"Hey! Kids! Careful with Baby!" Dad scolds as he comes up next to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. "Now, I know it's no suburban royal house like your mom and Daniel's, but it should work for what we are here for."

Looking up at his six foot two height, I smile a bright, honest, smile. "Dad, it's perfect."

"I'm glad you think so, Sweetheart. I'm really glad I get you around more now."

"I'm glad to be around," I assure, him kissing the top of my head as we head toward the front door. "So, tell me about this place, what's it got?"

"Well, you and Jack get your own bedrooms and bathrooms-"

"Hell yeah!" I cheer, Dad chuckling.

"Yeah, yeah, I knew you'd like that. Cas and I have our own room and bathroom too, and then there's a kitchen, living room, laundry room, a guest room, and two bathrooms for visitors."

"Sounds perfect. Where's my room?" I ask excitedly, Jack having already run off somewhere in this place with Cas.

"Right up here," Dad says, leading me inside and up the flight of stairs to the next floor. Walking a bit down, I peek in each room, noticing that the first to the right is Dad and Cas's, the one on the left is Jack's, the second on the right is the guest room, and finally, we come to a stop outside the second room on the left. "Ready?"

"More than!" I answer, him opening the door as I get my first look of my room.

It's painted a light grey color, a large bed with a black metal frame against the wall to the right and on either side sit a small bookshelve that works as a night stand. On the bed there is a white comforter, with multiple large white pillows and a long floral pillow in warm shades sitting in the front, an orange throw blanket draped over the end of the bed. A strand of lights hangs above the bed, and white curtains hang from the windows. A long white dresser sits against the wall straight ahead, next to it being a light grey hamper and a small potted plant. To the left there's a closet, more than large enough to fit all my clothing, and on the same wall as the door, there's a white desk with a large white book shelf beside it, a rolling chair under the desk.

"I know it's not much, but when Cas, Jack and I came to town to buy the place, we had this local women and her daughter come help us decorate your room cause none of us know a thing about chicks, so we let them video chat your mom and she showed them around your room back home and told them about your personality and they did this," Dad mumbles, rambling in a way that is unlike himself.

"Dad-" I cut in, him looking down from the room and to me. "It's beyond perfect," I state, my smile larger than life. Dad lets out a breath of relief, and I realize just how much me moving in with him means. "Thank you for taking me in."

"I've wanted more time with you since I found out about you when you were four," Dad states, pulling me in to a side hug and kissing my forehead. "Now let's go get your boxes."

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