Beyond the Surface

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Nice to see you
How you doing
Did you know you're
Really something

Anybody up for Lisa's part?


She liked watching how sunlight poured in through the windows and spilled all over the top of the tables. What she doesn't want to admit is the fact that she likes watching people pass by, past the same glass windows she's been staring at for the past fifteen minutes. It was a habit that was hard to break; watching. She figures it isn't that bad, she isn't being creepy at all -- no. She likes... watching people and their nuances, watching enough most days she's able to paint them on her beaten sketchpad from memory or captured with the lens of her old camera she keeps in her bag.

She leans against the counter, fingers itching to pull another stick of Esse from her back pocket and placing it between her lips. Something to keep the nervous ticks at bay but decides against it. It's not a really good idea to have, let alone do on a work day, but then again... she was never a stickler for rules anyways.

The little bell gave off a faint ring that echoed out, enough to get her to look up at the customer and find herself smiling.

"You cut your hair?" Her voice was nothing short of a whisper, but Lisa could hear the surprise that was evidently there.

She looked out of place and weirdly enough like she belonged there too, with a cup of coffee in hand and the sunlight casting a soft halo against her frame. Lisa can't help but chuckle at the surprised look on her face and how odd it was that she was finding it rather endearing.

"It's been a while..." Lisa could hear all sorts of unasked questions from the way she tried to avoid her gaze. She says nothing in return, just stands there fidgeting with the cover of her coffee cup.

"Is this awkward?" Lisa tries again, hoping it gets her to talk at least.

"The hair cut? Or the part where I haven't called or texted since that night?" she laughs for a bit, something soft that echoes out around them.

"Shouldn't that be my line? But both." Lisa pushes her eyeglasses back into place with her fingers and gives her a smile. Something to ease the invisible tension that seemed to hang around in the air. And for no apparent reason, she thinks.

"Can I get a croissant and answer you after?"

Lisa's laughter sounded foreign to her own ears, something about it seemed more free and loose. Lisa tried to see more of her face but the way she was standing against the sunlight was making it hard for her to.

"Sure, why the hell not?"

Lisa grabs a tong and clips one freshly baked croissant off the tray and into a paper bag.

"Look, I did want to..."

"Hm?" Lisa places the bag on the counter, nodding along to get her to continue.

"Text you."

Lisa waits for another minute but realizes that she was finished with what she had to say, even if Lisa thinks she deserves more than just that .

"You're never one for words huh? A year and that hasn't changed, I guess?" Lisa feels her shift her gaze on her. Steady and unmoving, something about it feels heavy and waiting... so Lisa continues. "Look, it's fine, don't beat yourself over it."

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