Prends-Moi Avec Toi

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**this is a prequel to I Promised You Not to Write This**

So some scenes correlate with some of the ones in IPYNTWT.


"I’m sorry?” The question falls away into something that sounds more like an accusation. Her eyes are earnest, and something about them takes Jennie off course with her thoughts and she almost visibly stammers, almost forgetting about what she wants to accomplish with it.

“I didn’t mean to startle you. It’s just… you were shivering and you seemed to have dressed quite”,  she says, a light tilt to her lips that makes her look playful, and tugs at Jennie in ways she finds confusing. “lightly for the weather.”

It's odd.

How she manages to just come up as if they've known each other for quite some time.

Jennie doesn't say anything for a while, thinking she's better off studying the stranger standing in front of her. With expressive brown eyes that, to Jennie's amusement, isn't as fazed or intimidated by her own gaze. Looking every bit as amused and inviting instead.

Her hands move to grip the gray coat draped over her shoulders by the collar, running her fingers over the fabric. “Do you go around offering strangers your coat?” Jennie couldn’t hide the sarcasm even if she wanted to.

“Well no, but—” she starts off, eyes drifting over to the train platform briefly before turning back and settling them on Jennie’s hands, “You should really keep that on.”

There’s no hint of the same playfulness from moments before, only a kind of seriousness that settles oddly like a soft brush of fingers on skin, tentative and furtive.

“Weather report says It’ll get colder, maybe—”

“I don’t think I should be taking someone else’s coat just because—”

They manage to say at the same time, manage to look at each other before Jennie turns away to settle on a poster on the station’s wall a little too intently before her amused laughter cuts through the silence of the station, and fills Jennie’s ear.

"The train's cancelled," Jennie watches her rest her hand on the back of her neck, "again, for the third time today and it seems like they’ll take quite some time to figure things out and have everything running back on schedule. So I was thinking, maybe you’d be interested in getting a cup of coffee?"  She ends with a frown, looking at the floor before meeting Jennie’s gaze, trying to gauge Jennie’s reaction.

Is she being serious?

“Or, uhm, is coffee not your thing? We can go grab something else. Uh, something you’d like?”

Jennie tries to look beyond what she’s offering; looks at it as a free pass from a boring day inside an almost empty train station in a foreign country. Tries to roll the idea inside her head again and again, heavily invested in the what-ifs and maybe’s, and maybe that’s just enough to get her to budge.

“Well?” She tries again, this time with a more serious glint in her eyes despite the grin she has on her face.

A huge part of Jennie is saying ‘stay’ but the stubborn part of her is saying ‘go’.

“I don’t really drink coffee.” she starts, seeing the smile fall away immediately.


Jenlisa Drabbles Where stories live. Discover now