Between Pages

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There's just something in missing someone that has you enjoying the sanctity of quiet moments even more.

Also isn't it lovely to just savor the beautiful things shared between two people without uttering a word or sometimes in things said between the lines? Do I make sense? No? I know, I'm fucking sleepy that's why.


She opens the windows. The buzzing of the fan barely audible from the sound of rain against roofs that made her comb through her hair to keep her hands still.

“Is it bothering you?” Jennie asks from the bed and Lisa finds herself smiling at her poor attempt of masking the worry in her voice with a light chuckle. “The rain?”

“Not really,” there’s a sheen of sweat on her shoulders that Lisa finds herself admiring, the pool of blankets not really doing much to cover most of her back, “I feel like it’s bothering you more.” 

Jennie smiles at this and continues to read the book she has cradled in between pillows, writing notes on the margins every once in a while. Brows furrowing before she breaks out into another soft smile that creases the sides of her eyes and puffing her cheeks.

“What are you reading?” She settles on a chair, draping her hand behind it, hitching most of the fabric of her t-shirt and exposing a bit of skin.

It gets Jennie to look up and stare.

“Are you doing this on purpose?”

“What?” she asks innocently.

“That,” Jennie shifts on the bed, “Whatever that is you’re doing with the chair and your shirt.”

“It’s called sitting, love.” Lisa says between laughs,

“Well, whatever it is—is distracting me.”

Lisa laughs again, most of it cutting through the sound of rain that filled the room. The coldness doesn’t bother her that much and so she draws little circles on the skin of her thighs, wanting to test out just how long she could keep Jennie’s attention.

“You’re doing it again.” Jennie whispers, voice edging towards frustration.


“You should wear something,” Jennie says with a whine, “I don’t know, why don’t you try shorts or pajamas, or something?”

“ You should wear something, love,” she retorts, seeing the red flush that travels the length of Jennie’s back as she tries to pull at covers that only managed to wrinkle and pool around her.  “Are you not cold?”

Jennie laughs at this and gives her an amused look, “Really now? You’re asking me that question?”

“I’m going to take that as the Jennie way of saying; the cold never bothered me anyway.”

“Such a wiseass.”

“Only with you.” Lisa bites back a grin, instead pointing out the forgotten book that got lost among the pillows, “Is that something for class?”

“You’re not giving up, are you?”

Lisa shakes her head in answer, smiling the moment Jennie fishes it from beneath cream colored pillows. Lisa loves watching her like this. Doing utterly mundane stuff that has her wanting to take the space beside her on the bed and looking into the little, sometimes unintelligible writing she has spent hours writing on the margins, playing with her hair. Little windows to her thoughts.

“No, not as easily as you think,” she adds in a whisper.

“It’s Decreation by Anne Carson,” Jennie says with amusement,


“No,” She shies away for a bit, something about her voice hitching has Lisa smiling again. For a moment she thinks Jennie will always have that effect on her; have her smiling over the smallest of things and isn’t there such beauty in that?

She wants to drop her interest over the book Jennie's reading there. Something about Jennie not meeting her gaze has her thinking it’s something that’s probably a little too personal and she figures she’ll tell her when she’s ready.

“So I was thinking—”

“It’s a gift for you—”

They managed to speak at the same time.


Somehow Jennie’s blushing and she’s nodding her head slowly, “I’m annotating the book for you,” She says in a small voice, “I remembered you saying you loved reading what I thought about things and it’s just—I don’t know—something that might, you know? Make you not miss me as much.” She ends with a chuckle.

“I have been doing a lot of that lately.” Lisa admits with a grin.

“Reading what I write?” Jennie settles the book beside her, turning her attention fully at Lisa.

“Missing you, silly.”


Lisa laughs and leans to adjust the laptop perched on her table, “Yeah, New Zealand is quite far and I can’t just drive there from South Korea now, can I? I’ve been dying to squish you in a hug, more so tonight babe.”

Jennie laughs at this and gives her a wink, “Are you sure hugging me is all you want to do tonight?” her voice, low and husky.

Lisa feels the heat travel to her cheeks and the tips of her nose, “Okay,” she coughs out an awkward chuckle before running her fingers through her hair, “Maybe not just hugs, I’d want to shower you with kisses too.”

“That’s cute of you,” there's a challenge in her voice, something about the way she said it has Lisa shying away from being painfully aware of the skin that’s peeking out from the covers. So she turns her attention over to the bowl of strawberries beside the laptop. Taking one and playing with it between her hands.

“I’ll be back in a year and a few months.” That gets her looking back at Jennie’s gummy smile, “Wait for me?”

Lisa smiles, taking in the little details and committing them to memory; Jennie’s hand on the book’s cover, the way the light is making her hair look more light brown that it usually is, the way her eyes disappear the more she smiles and for some strange reason that alone fills her room with the scent of her perfume and the missing becomes bearable.

“You make waiting easy, love.”

“I do?” She barely says between laughs.

Lisa doesn’t answer, choosing to move closer to the screen instead.

“When you miss me, come look for me between the pages of this book.” She says, seriousness taking over as she runs gentle fingers over the hardcover, “I’ll be here.”

Lisa nods, choosing to keep her thoughts of you’re always here, with me to herself instead because she knows that certain things of such gravity are already said between looks of silent understanding between them.

“Always.” Jennie adds a little to hastily,


“Always.” She says, more sure. More there. “Would you want to watch a movie with me tonight?” i love you, is what Jennie wants to say

The scent of orange blossoms from the streets below fills Lisa’s room. “You choose the movie,” I love you more, is what Jennie hears.


It's raining and I needed something to take my mind of work and other people's problems that I need to fix lol.

Anyway, I hope everyone's having a great start to their week and, staying warm and safe.

Also tagging you here cottagecorekim because my work PC won't let me access wattpad (yeah, I know, total bummer right?) And so I can't use the dedicated feature lol. Anyway, hi 🌼

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