Of Lazy Afternoons

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Tracing lines on skin and chasing breaths with kisses between sheets on a humid lazy afternoon. Of indulgences and poetry in bed :D

my attempt at smut, cause work was stressful. Hah :DDD so have some wonky written vanilla smut with uhhh poetry cause that's always nice and soft—right?

Also same format:
her - Lisa
italicized her - Jennie


She let out a soft sigh, the draft from the open windows is doing little to cool the room and the sheen of sweat on her forehead. She pulls the covers over her legs and watches hazy afternoon sunlight draw streaks of amber across the midnight blue of her bed sheets and on her skin.

“Stay with me,” her voice is soft and sleepy, fingers barely grazing the skin of her waist—drawing ghost lines that made her breath hitch and pulling her back into the moment.


“I lost you for a moment,” she says again, “i don’t know what that means but it felt like you were gone for a bit,” the weight of it heavy against the stillness of the room “Come back.”

She chuckles at this, fixing her gaze on the hazel of her eyes and leaning in to whisper, “I’m here,” words suspended between them before she reaches out to wipe a bead of sweat off the corner of her cheek where she lingers, “Always here.”

“What’s on your mind?” her voice drifts into a lull, seemingly far away and yet she’s there beside her on the bed, “tell me?” 

She kisses her on the cheeks, endeared. “You’re so beautiful,” is whispered, etched on warm skin—drawing out a laughter from Jennie that has her smiling. 

“You fucking sap.”

“It’s true,” Lisa pulls away to look her in the eyes, wanting her there with her in the moment, “I was also thinking of the beautiful sounds you kept making the whole night.” 


Lisa smiles at the way her fingers have found themselves a home on her back, nails digging into the skin as she leans in to plant a kiss on her jaw. “I kept thinking how I want to hear you again,” kissing the same spot lazily that has her chuckling. “and again—" biting into the skin and indulging in the shaky gasp that comes right after, “and again.” 

Jennie’s breathing hitches, pulling her closer. “I shouldn’t have asked,” she nuzzles the words into the crook of her neck. “Or maybe I—”

“You are like nobody since I love you.” Lisa whispers against the skin of her neck cutting the stream of words, fingers drawing circles on her bare midriff as they travel down, “Let me spread you out among yellow garlands.” 

She lets out a soft moan against her ear, hiding the gasp that almost escapes when Lisa bites into her shoulders and spreads her legs beneath her. 

“Who writes your name in letters of smoke among the stars of the south?” Fingers teasing her folds, slowly, like she’s re-learning how to love her, how to touch her, “Oh let me remember you as you were before you existed.” Her breathing quivers, coloring her skin red.

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