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When Lisa's favorite day was Saturday.


"Hey, I think I'm having a feeling... How do I make it stop?"

She grinned, against the pale fuzzy white lights that streamed from the bedside light and Lisa feels her whole world crumble beneath her, keeping her from giving an answer.

"Hey... aren't you supposed to say you love me back?


Lisa remembers it like it was yesterday...

Fuck isn't that the most cliched start to a story you've ever read? You know what? Let's start again.

Lisa sees her alone, in a corner table in the cafeteria playing with her apple slices. Most of the other people there were... with family and friends and Lisa finds it weird and sad at the same time that she was alone.

She brings her guitar along and sits on the empty seat right in front of her. With not much bravado, no... none of that. She sits with as much grace as she can muster, careful not to be as clumsily noisy as she normally was. She failed... though, she was... what everyone called clumsily chaotic.

The pretty lady looked up and Lisa found herself grinning like a huge ass idiot. A dumbass she was.

"What're you doing at my table?"

Lisa swore she heard hissing too.

"Uhh... sitting?"

"I'm aware."

Lisa had to laugh at the cute way she rolled her eyes and how she let out a little puff of annoyed air.


"No... not good. Leave. Now."


"I don't do random strangers suddenly popping up from nowhere to sit on my table, not my thing. If that's something you're into, look for Rosie."

"Mind if I play something for you?" Lisa ignores the tirade of whatever grumpy nonsense she rapped out loud, and takes her guitar off it's bag instead.

"Did you not hear a word of what I just said?"

"What song would you like me to play? Please don't give me something sappy to play please. I've had enough of that ..."

She gives the annoyed girl a huge grin and strummed a G-chord, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Are you clinically insane or incredibly annoying?"

"I don't know. Probably both"

Lisa strums the first few chords of Can't Help Falling In Love.Sappy? Yes... incredibly so. She doesn't sing though, just hums the song along with the guitar.

"So... how are you?"

The annoyed girl rolled her eyes and continued to play with her apple slices.

"Hmmm... are you expecting someone today and I stole their seat? Is that why you're so grumpy?"

She doesn't answer. She stayed silent and gave Lisa a glare. It was supposed to scare her away... Lisa knows, but her tired eyes can only do so much before she closes them and lets out a long, subdued sigh.

"Im trying to have a serious conversation with you..." Lisa starts off, absentmindedly plucking the chords to the song now, a habit she had when she's beginning to grow awkwardly embarrassed.

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