Chapter 19

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Luke's POV:

To be honest, going to school on this Monday wasn't a good decision. I should ever have gone to school again.

Being pressed up against lockers and getting what seemed like thousands of punches everywhere wasn't nice. The fact that it was my old best friend who beat me there was worst. "Wait for lunch, fag." He said.

Well, great!

And what also is horrible is the feeling when you walk around a corner and see the said ex- best friend and your crush talk. Ashton smiling and Calum smirking all stupidly. I didn't want to go any closer but at the same time I wanted to hear what they were saying. It actually hurt in my chest. I wanted to be the one to make Ashton smile. In the end I just slowly walked by the two of them and tried to listen to their conversation but I really didn't like what I heard.

" I know it's weird when I say this but you are really nice and cute and I love, no wait, like your smile and your dimples. Whenever I see you I feel the urge to just walk over to you and talk and see your really nice and pretty face because it just makes me all happy and giggly inside and to be honest I really like you ashton I don't know if this sounds weird to you but I like you... You mean more to me than a friend. And I really don't know if you feel the same but if so I would feel honored to spend more time with you and maybe even be more than just friends. Would you wanna go out with me, babe? "

I felt my blood boil in my veins as Calum finished.

Did he just ask my man out?
My babe?

I just wanted to run away but ashtons answer was what I wanted to hear. I just wished he wouldn't like Calum back. He wouldn't even have to like me but if he really liked Calum I would be very disappointed. In the end I saw ashton smile and I felt my heart break in my chest a few times and it hurt like hell.

Ashton's POV:

When Calum towered over me at the lockers I felt really disgusted. I I didn't like him at all because he was just such a dick. I don't know what happened to him basically I had no god damn clue why he changed so much. I think he was best friends with Luke once but only about 15 minutes ago I saw him beating the living s*** out of luke.

In that moment when he told me that he likes me I just wanted to throw up because I mean how can he expect me to like him when he beats up one of my friends.. My friend. Luke was awesome. How could someone not like him?

"You mean more to me than a friend.."

My thoughts got interrupted by Calum. He was just a jerk. He beat up Luke right in front of everyone probably just to impress those weird cheerleader girls. Luke was the nicest person I knew. He had his troubles and problems but what's a human without that?

"And I really don't know if you feel the same but if so I would feel honored to spend more time with you"

I had an amazing time with Luke and I loved when we just sat on the couch and talked and how our legs brushed and when he looked sleepy. I smiled to myself and butterflies flattered around my tummy when I saw his really pretty ocean blue eyes in my head.

"And maybe even be more than just friends."

I felt so wrong standing here with Calum when I could also have been with Luke all the time. What if he was still in pain? Or what if he thought I'd want to he with Calum now? Lots of people were standing in a circle around me and the dick as if we were such an exciting attraction.

"Would you wanna go out with me, babe?"

Then I started smiling. I smiled like an idiot. I bit my lip, looked Calum in the eyes and slapped him with all my power. Everything went quiet. No student said a word. I opened my mouth as cal stepped back.

"What the actual fuck?!" I walked towards him and poked my finger into his chest.

"Don't think you can get me with what you do all the god damn time. I don't like you." I stepped closer. "I won't go out with you. " a little closer. "And I won't ever date you!" Then I stepped back. Everyone stared at me and whispered. I looked around for a few seconds then walked away. This was just too much but before I reached my classroom someone spun me around.

"Don't mess with me, Irwin. I know you want me." His minty breath was disgusting. I tried to push him away but he had a tight grip on my shoulders.

"Get off me!" I almost screamed at him.

"Why don't you go out with me? I'm perfect! Nobody rejects me!" Heat creeped into my head and I got mad.

"You're pathetic, Calum! I. Do. Not. Like. You. So what if I told you I liked someone else, huh? Bad for you because it's true, I got someone else, and now fuck off!" I still couldn't get out of his grip and I almost winced when he held me even tighter. It hurt.

"Whos it?" Through clenched teeth he asked me this question. It was almost frightening how furious it seemed. "Why don't you wanna date me?"

I didn't want to say it but I slipped from my lips and I regretted it to death because I would get him hurt and that was the last thing I wanted.

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