Chapter 4

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Ashton's POV:

Isaac and I were sitting on our old bench when I saw him smiling beside me.

I looked down to see his hand wander over a little sign on the bench. It actually was still there. Our two names on that bench to prove our friendship. 

"I remember it as well." I smiled at the thought.

"Yeah me too.." Isaac sighed and I felt sorry for him. He didn't like it when I or anyone felt sorry for him but I did. Yes, I'm that kind of person.

"It's okay, mate. I know you're frustrated about that accident but it's okay." I know he was about to protest so I continued. "Yeah, everyone tells you that everyday and I'm sorry for that but it's true. One day everything will be alright." Isaac smiled and nodded. He looked so happy and that's what I wanted.

I wanted people to be happy.

Suddenly my body tensed. Isaac turned his head towards me and furrowed his eyebrows what caused his dark glasses to move up a bit.

"There's this Luke kid." You could tell how much I hated Luke just by the look I gave him. "He's coming right towards us." Suddenly Isaac stood up and I grabbed his wrist so he wouldn't fall or something.


Even his voice disgusted me.

The way he used it against me.

Why was he even talking to me in that moment?

"Come on, Isaac, we'll leave." He grabbed my arm and I led him to my car. "That guy.." I mumbled to myself. "And I used to like him.."


After I dropped Isaac off at his home I drove home myself. I was pretty sure my mom waited for me.

I parked my car in the driveway and just sat there for a minute. As I climbed out if the car I saw Luke again. He sat on the steps of his house and his head laid in his hands. His shoulders moved up and down rapidly as if he was crying. I tried not to care but it was hard since I was a caring person. When I opened the door to my house my mom came and hugged me.

"Ashton, why didn't you answer my calls?" I looked at my phone and really had 2 missed calls from my mom.

"I'm sorry, mom, I didn't look at my phone." She smiled and nodded.

"I just wanted to ask when you'd be home." I smiled back and went up to my room. As I looked out of my window Luke was still sitting there. He was looking around and suddenly looked right through my window into my eyes.

His cheecks blushed and he stood up to go back in but the door was locked. I saw Luke curse and look around. He sat back down and laid his head on his long legs.

Only now I realised I was still looking at him. I

threw myself on my bed and looked through my twitter. I haven't been using it in a long time so I had a few notifications. Since my account was private I had a few Inquires by some girls. When I scrolled through the different accounts of them I found one that didn't fit in there. It was Luke. I clicked on his account and looked through it. He posted a few selfies and links to his YouTube videos.

Some of his tweets confused me, like

'Family can love or just destroy.'

but I didn't think much of it. Probably some lyrics.

But why would he wanted to follow me?

I hated him and he probably knew that because I actually thought he'd hate me as well. I declined his inquire and looked at my clock. It already was 10:47pm now and I was tired. I was that kind of person to go to sleep at 7pm but sleep until 12pm.

Sleep was all I needed. Right now I didn't want to sleep. I was way too awake to sleep. I took my headphones and hooked them into my phone. Music was something I loved, besides sleep. Since it was already evening and I didn't want to be more awake I played my playlist I created for this time of the day. Give me love by Ed Sheeran started to play and I loveloveloved this song.

Give me love like her

'Cause lately I've been waking up alone

Paint splattered teardrops on my shirt

Told you I'd let them go

I thought of Isaac.

He was one of my best friends and I didn't understand why he still was with me. I sometimes was a real jerk but he still was right next to me and heloed me with everything.

And that I'll fight my corner

Maybe tonight I'll call ya

After my blood turns into alcohol

No, I just wanna hold ya

I thought of Renai.

She was another big part of my life. I don't even know how we became friends. She was new at our school and she was really clumsy so I helped her when she dropped her books and she sat at our table at lunch that day, so we became friends.

Give a little time to me or burn this out

We'll play hide and seek to turn this around

All I want is the taste that your lips allow

My, my, my, my, oh, give me love

I thought of Michael.

My favourite boy. He was my bestest friend in the world. We knew each other for so long and even if people say friendships only hold for about 7 years, Mike's and mine will hold forever. He helped me with every problem I had and he was there for me when I came out. He's that kind of friend you can call at 3 in the morning and he'd just come over and bring movies and chocolate. He really is my favourite boy.

My, my, my, my, oh, give me love

My, my, my, my, oh, give me love

My, my, my, my, oh, give me love

My, my, my, my, oh, give me love

At last I thought of my family.

I loved my family. Always. Whatever happened. Harry and Lauren and my mom. I could always talk to my mom and she'd listen and smile and tell me it would be okay. Harry and Lauren. They were the cutest siblings you could ever wish for. They cuddled me when they knew something was wrong.

I was so grateful.

I knew so many people and children and teenagers in the world had it so bad. Life in poor regions. No parents or divorced parents. Or even abusive parents. I'd never be strong in such a situation.

I am so thankful to have this life.

Suddenly I heard a loud bang and I ripped my headphones out of my ears to listen.

I heard a bang and a scream that sounded like it came from a young person. The wall shook for a short moment and then it was quiet. My eyes were huge at that moment.

What the frick was that??

I stood up and looked out of the window. Luke wasn't there anymore. I wouldn't believe this cry was his if I didn't know he lived alone with his father, his father who had been in jail because he hit his wife.




don't know if this chapter is good. :/

I'm off to italy tonight and I'll try to write a few chapters there and maybe I can update.



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