Chapter 20

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Luke's POV:

I walked home from school with my head down.

The whole day I tried to ignore ashtons looks and when he wanted to talk to me. He's supposed to bang his Asian boyfriend. I know that Calum is not Asian but whatever.

My head was hanging low and I watched my feet walk step by step. Thoughts were running through my head about Calum, Ashton, my dad, my mom, my brothers.. everyone and everything.

Before I knew it a strong hand pushed my head to the ground and I fell right on my knees. It burnt and stung. I turned around and looked in two dark brows eyes which usually looked like puppys' but right now they were furious. He gripped onto my hair and pulled me back up. I yelped and tried to push Calum away. Dozens of punches and kicks landed in my stomach, legs and even head. I screamed and yelled for help but no one even dared to look over.

"You bastard stole my boyfriend!!" I cried and everything hurt. It was the worst thing that's ever happened to me. "Dont fucking touch him!!"

I closed my eyes to zoom out. That was the least I could try in that moment. I imagined living in a big house. I sat on the couch and watched my son and daughter play together as my husband Ashton walked in. He sat on my lap and kissed me cheek as we both looked at our two children proudly.

Abruptly my eyes shot open and the pain was back. It was worse than ever. I lay on the ground and looked up at Calum who still tried to hurt me as much as possible.

When he finally stopped I felt myself smiling on the inside. I didn't feel any pain anymore. I didn't feel anything. My head was dizzy and everything that happened in front of my eyes was blurry. I felt like I was flying. Lying on a cloud and just looking at the sky.

A person ran over to me and yelled at me as if they wanted my attention. Panic seemed to be written in their face. My insides were still smiling. The person lay my head in their lap. In that moment I didn't even feel that. But my eyes saw it. My eyes were probably the only parts of my body that kept me alive. The blur started to fade a little and I could identify the person as Ashton Irwin. He was crying like a baby and talking but I couldn't hear him. His hand kept caressing my cheek which felt beautiful after a while.

My body started to go back to the normal state but do did the pain. I groaned loudly and Ashton winced.

"Lukey, I-I'm so sorry.." His words were really fast and barely understandable. I blinked and stared at his pretty face which looked so sad. Tears streamed down his face.

I opened my mouth a little and tried to smile. "Hey."

I chuckled shortly before the stinging pain in my chest returned. Ash roamed my face with his eyes and slowly took my hand in his.

"I like you, Luke." I blinked again. I wanted to jump up and dance around. Everything I did was blink. "I like you a lot, Luke." I smiled a little and nodded.

"I like you too, ash." My voice was quiet but he heard it. A small smile spread across his face as he slowly leaned down before our lips connected. His hands released mine as they came up to cup my cheeks, kissing me deeply. I smiled into the kiss, trying to pull him closer into my body as we kissed slowly.




Only 3-4 chapters left yay
Already have 4 new drafts for other stories lmao -J

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