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Liv's pov:

*Beep Beep Beep*

My head shot up at the sudden beeping sound of the heart rate monitor (if that's what it's called). My eyes opened as doctors rushed in to take my father away. Nash, Nick, Ryan, and Matt were already awake, shocked by what had just happened. Tears welled in my red, tired eyes. I cried my eyes out in to Nash's chest as he wrapped arm around my small frame.

I was thankful for him at a moment like this. I know we may have not started in a good place but we sure are in the middle of a great place.

I had been crying my eyes out as were the rest. The doctor had walked in and told us the depressing news. He also told us to go home to get some rest. I was ready to go home, until I realized I was still on tour. We were still crying exiting the hospital. I said goodbye to my brothers and Nash and I walked to my car. I sat down on the cool leather of the passengers seat and broke down crying once again.

"Shhh, everything will be okay. He's in a better place now." Nash cooed in my ear. It was comforting. His arm was around my shoulder and my face was buried in my hands.

"How can everything be okay. My father just died, okay nothing is okay. He's dead" I yelled at Nash, whispering the last part. I took his arm of my shoulder and placed my forehead on the cool glass of the window. I whispered facing away from him, not thinking he could hear me. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be." He said starting the car. We pulled out of the hospital parking lot in to the hotels without saying a word. We walked up to our hotel room. It was 2 in the morning and the boys were alive and awake in one of their rooms. I just hoped it wasn't ours.

Nash's pov:

Liv and I walked into our hotel room. She was really tired so she instantly fell asleep as soon as her back hit the mattress. I was going to find the boys, so I wrote her a quick note incase I accidently fell asleep in whatever room everyone was in. I walked out of our hotel room door and texted Cameron.

Me: Hey were back! What room are you guys in?

Cam: Were in the Jack's room.

Me: Cool, i'm coming down now.

Cam: With Liv?

Me: No she fell asleep when we got back.

Cam: Ok see you here.

I slipped my phone in to my back pocket and walked down the hall. I braced myself before opening the door. I knew I was going to be bombarded with questions. I twisted the doorknob to reveal all the boys. As I expected, I was asked many questions.

What happened? Is he okay? Is Liv okay? Is he dead? Where's Liv? Where were you? What happened to him?

"Everyone stop with the questions and i'll tell you what happened." I said motioning for everyone to sit down. Everyone sat down on something, and I sat down on the nearest chair. We were all huddled in a small group, waiting for me to begin the story. I began, "It all started with a phone call that Liv had gotten. If you remember as soon as she answered it she ran straight out of the room. Well on the phone was the hospital saying that her father was in a car crash. Before Liv had left for tour her father was really sick. Something had happened to him and there was something wrong with his heart, so when he got in the crash his heart stopped. When he was brought to the hospital they got his heart to start again, but hours after it stopped again. They couldn't get it to start again a-and h-he passed." I said stuttering the last part.Tears were about to spill. I let a few slip out as some of the boys calmed me down. They told me that everything was going to e okay. Everything was quiet and calm until an ear piercing scream came from down the hallway.

A/N: Hey everyone

I haven't updated in a few days

i'm not saying much else but, if you have any questions or you want to be a part in the story, just inbox me.

Also I have been updating a lot more so expect more updates and i'm currently writing a new story so expect that soon.

Also i'm stopping with A/N after every chapter bc I know these are boring.



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