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Liv's POV:

Today was the day I was meeting up with Nash. We had decided that it would best to meet over lunch somewhere near the both of us. I was sitting on my bed, still in my PJ's deciding with Nash what time we should meet up. I saw jack shuffle down the hallway in his red flannel pants through my cracked open door. I placed my feet off the bed and pushed myself up. I strestched my arms up above my head and bent my back. I took a deep breath and smiled, ready to start the day. I peeled open my dark grey curtains to reveal the sunshine into my room.

I walked out in the hallway in my sweatpants and a random tanktop I found in my draw. I walked into the kitchen, seeing two shirtless Jacks sitting at the table eating cereal. I laughed at the sight of my two best friends. Could life get anymore perfect right now? I'm living in a house with my two bestfriends and I'm finally making amends with Nash. What more could I ask for at the moment. I grabbed a bowl of cereal of my own. I spooned the cereal in my mouth bit by bit til it was finished. I left the two boys silently playing on their phones.

I walked into my bedroom once again, heading straight for the closet. I grabbed a pair of folded skinny jeans from the top shelf and a simple t-shirt. I also grabbed a cardigan off the hook and quickly slipped that on over my bare arms. I had about an hour and a half before Nash and I were going to meet up and swap bags over lunch. I applied my daily makeup and made sure I had the right bags set out so when it was time for me to leave, I wouldn't have to rush trying to grab the right bags, considering some of the things we swapped were from the same places. I walked out into the living room and just watched TV until it was about 10 minutes before I had to leave.

I left a few minutes before 1:00. The place where we agreed to meet up around one at was only a five minute drive from the Jacks and I's home. I arrived at the restaurant and saw Nash waiting by his car. His gaze focused on his phones screen. I walked over towards him and after a few minutes, he noticed me near him. I saw him slip his phone in his pocket and take a few steps towards me until we met in a hug.

"Hey Liv, long time no see huh." He chuckled.

"Haha." I laughed sarcastically before handing him the shopping bags we accidentally exchanged yesterday. He took them into his arms and opened up the back door of his car and slid the three bags I gave him and pulled out the four bags I dropped yesterday.

"Thank ya very much." I said gratefully and slid them on my wrist. "I'm gonna go toss these in my car and I'll meet you in the restaurant."

"Okay sounds good." Nash said as I walked away towards my car.

When I reached my car, I carefully threw the bags in and went in the restaurant. When I walked in the door, I saw Nash sitting at a table all by himself and a smile couldn't help but make its way to my lips.

okay so in all honesty i completely forgot what my plan was for this story. i have no idea if anyone still reads this, but if anyone does, just know im definitely ending it soon. like i said before, I completely forgot my ideas for this and I'm not 100% a Nash fangirl anymore so I'm kind of forcing myself to write this just so I can get it done. If anyone who still reads this has any ideas for how it should end, tell me because I have absolutely no idea. anyways hope you enjoyed this shittily written super short chapter that I wrote in like 10 minutes !! :))

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