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*The beginning of this chapter is a dream btw* 

Liv's pov:


I was in the car with my family, well my father and my mother. I had no idea where my brothers were. I had no idea where we were going or what was going on. I was especially wondering why either of my parents were here. I mean there dead why would they be driving a car. Am I dead too? I shook off the thought and focused more on what was happening.

We were driving down an road that never seemed to end; no lights, infinite twists and turns, no cars in sight. As we drove on the car had bumped up its speed. My father was probably going as fast as a roller coaster down a hill by now.

"Dad slow down." I said even though there was no one else on the road. At the sound of my voice he only went faster. "Dad please stop going faster." I pleaded a little louder. Once again he only went faster, as if he couldn't hear me. I tried reaching up front to grab him and tell him to stop. My hands wouldn't go past the back seat entrance. "Mom, make him stop." I yelled, hoping the sound would reach past the invisible barrier that held me back from my parents. My yelling had caused my mother to turn around to face me. I was expecting her beautiful, tan face but when she turned around, it was a blank face. I was scared as hell. My father sped up once more and made another turn on the infinite road. We were probably going as fast as we could by now. I was worried what this car ride was going to end in. Was it going to end with us all torn to shreds? Probably. I told my self to stay calm but my conscience kept telling me to worry. Our car was the only one on the road. Or so I thought.

Also at full speed another car came around one of the corners. It was on the same side of the road as us until both cars collided together and it was a disaster. I was trapped in the car as the car was going up in flames. The windows were black with smoke, except for my own. My parents had some how made it out of the without a scratch. Which I thought was weird because there doors were unable to open. I looked out at the two figures I call my parents to see them laughing at me because i'm panicking because i'm struggling to open my door. The flames on the front of the car were only getting bigger and the small backseat area of the car was only getting smaller and hotter. I once again looked out the crystal clear window. Along with my parents was  a third figure, who I must say looked quite familiar. I squinted my eyes to see if I could match that face with someone I knew. I only hoped it wasn't a blank face like my parents. I finally got a clear image of the third figure, which luckily had a face, and it was Nash? Why was Nash here and with my parents? I leaned closer to the window to see who's car had just rammed into my parents vehicle. It was Nash's. I looked straight at him with sad, curious eyes.

The flames were getting closer and it felt as if they were about to burn me to a crisp at any second. The flames were about a good 3 inches away from me until a small gust of wind came through the busted wind shield and sent a piece of the fire towards my arm, burning the skin. I shrieked in pain and whimpered at the feeling. The egdes of my window were turning black from the smoke as it started to fill the backseat, along with my lungs. In the middle of my window there was a small clear spot where I could see Nash and my parents laughing. They were laughing at my constant coughs and screams from being burned and having the smoke fill my lungs. I'm dying in a car and my boyfriend and parents are laughing at me instead of trying to help me or call for help. Wow I feel loved.

I instantly couldn't breathe. I fell back into the once soft car seat and everything became blurry. I heard the muffled laughs from a far and felt the heat burning my body. I let out one last scream, to show my loved ones that I was about to die.


I felt someone shaking my arms and yelling for me to wake up. My eyes shot open and scanned around the room to see the boys with worried faces. My eyes fell upon Nash who was the one who woke me up. I held him ina tight hug as he signaled the rest of the boys to leave the room. I heard the door open and close along with the sound of shuffling footsteps. I cried and cried into his chest as he rocked me. I had finally stopped bawling my eyes out.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked with sympathy. I nodded and began speaking.

"I was i-in a car with my p-parents an-and we were going really fast," I said choking on my words. "And there w-was another c-car on the same side of the road. The car had c-crashed into us and you were driving. Everyone was a-alright except for m-me because I was trapped in the car a-and I was d-dying and you were all l-laughing at me a-and not calling f-for help."

Finishing my sentence I was in tears again. Back to where we started. I kept crying until he finally had somehow calmed me down. We were sitting there just holding each other in silence.

"You know that would never happen, right?" He questioned me.

"I know." I replied. He pulled me into him and kissed my forehead.

"I love you, you know that right? Most people misuse that word and just throw it around. But when I say it to you I mean it. I love you to the moon and back." He whispered sweetly in my ear.

"I love you too Nashy."

Even though people might say that were too young to know what love is but, it's at the times like these when I know i'm in love with Nash.

A/N: Loooong chapter. The ending<3

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