A picnic with a friend - Chapter 27

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I was woken up abruptly around 9:20am to my mum being loud as hell on the phone to one of her church friends. I'd missed her so much since she'd been away that I slept in her bed for the night. Slightly regretted it this morning though. I crawled out of her bed and headed downstairs... Sadly not quick enough to drown out her asking for a cup of tea.
When I got into the kitchen I switched on the kettle and reached for my phone that I had left on the counter last night while it boiled. As I scrolled through my text I saw one from Sam still going on about that cute guy she met yesterday. A text from Jay apologising for last night, and hmmm.. a text from Mario:

How's my little chocolate drop? Can I FaceTime you later...? ❤️

I caught myself smiling. Ugh, what was wrong with me? I loved Jay and I'd never cheat but I couldn't help but get butterflies over Mario. I decided not to text back as I didn't want to take the piss. I quickly made up two cups of tea and some toast for my mum and I. We ate it in her bed and watched some tv. It was nice catching up with her. We hadn't really spoken properly in so long. After a couple hours I decided to get in a nice bubble bath to further my relaxing day. I put some music on my phone and settled in my bath. The water felt great. I was really getting into it until my music stopped midway and my ringtone chimed in. I grabbed it with my soapy hand to see who was calling. I jumped when I saw Mario's name flashing on FaceTime and my reflection staring back at me. I was in my shower cap, face covered in bubbles from the Santa beard I created out of boredom, not to mention the fact I was naked! I tried to press decline but my soapy fingers slid onto the accept button. I wanted to cry when Marios sexy face appeared on the screen. His mouth stretched into an enormous smile when he saw me.

"Wow look at my sexy chocolate Santa" he bellowed with laughter.
I wanted to throw my phone I was so embarrassed. I quickly brushed the soap off my chin and scooped up the bubbles from my bath to cover my breast.

"I'm sorry I don't usually answer FaceTimes when I look this stupid... or naked" I said mortified. I was going to hang up the phone but I felt it would be far more embarrassing. I might as well own it now.

Mario giggled and said he liked the new look on me. He made me feel so comfortable when I felt so stupid.

"So how's Mike Tyson" he said rubbing his lip, clearly referring to Jay.

"God, you know I'm so sorry he did that, I don't know why he gets like that". I said rolling my eyes.

"Nah he's protective over you, I get it. Gorgeous girl like you he must be fighting guys off you daily" he said winking at me.

My smile faded as Ryan came to mind. Mario must have noticed that as he asked if I was ok.

"Yeah, I've not had the best luck with guys for a while. It's nice having Jay there to take care of me" I admitted.

Mario smiled.

"Let me take you out tonight" he asked.

"You know I'm in a relationship, I can't just go out with you" I said

He smirked.

"Look, I like your style. Your cute, quirky, I feel like we have a similar vibe and I want to spend time with you. Just as friends if your interested. I understand if not though. Just say the word and i'll delete your number and won't bother you again". He said looking into my eyes.

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