God what a day - Chapter 19

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The text was both so straightforward yet so complicated. 'Help'. What did that mean? There was no context. How the fuck was I supposed to understand how to help. And of all people why would Ryan text me if he needed help? My head was spinning, my heart racing. My mouth went so dry I couldn't even talk. I turned to Sam for some sort of guidance as maybe she would know what this text meant, but before I could even get the chance to speak I noticed she was on the phone.

"Shit, shit, shit!! Ok! Ok! I'm coming just relax fuck!" Sam said in a hushed whisper to the caller.
I assumed she'd taken Alex's call. But why did she look like she was freaking the fuck out. Before I could even ask her what was wrong or even show her my text she had jumped out of her seat and rushed out of the classroom. I was soo panicked I did the same. I could just about hear Mrs Osborne shouting at us asking where we were running off too. I said the first thing that came to my mind that would get her off my back.

"Ughh sorry miss I have a uh... period emergency and Sam has pads, back in a minute!" I shouted. Oh my God I felt my face flush with embarrassment when those words left my mouth. Is that the best I could come up with?.... A period emergency. I rolled my eyes and caught up to Sam in the empty hallway.

Her face pale and lips trembling. Why did she look so scared.

"What! What is it Sam? SPEAK" I said shaking her.

"No Ally I think this has gone too far. Maybe he took it too far" she said her voice trembling.

"What are you talking about?" I said confused, it was like she was talking in riddles.
Before I could ask her to talk like a normal human being she showed me a video on her phone sent from a burner number. It showed a dark room with a guy strapped to a chair, face covered in blood begging for his life before being struck again in the chest with a bat. Oh my God was that... Was that Ryan? I could barely make out his face because of the low light and how brutally beaten he looked. I was soo horrified I couldn't even believe what was happening. But it didn't take me long to realise who was doing this.
Jay was going to kill him.

It had only taken us about 15 minutes to reach Alex. I could tell by his appearance that shit was going off. He had a busted lip and a huge bruise on the side of his face. When we asked what happened he said Jay and some other guy barged into Ryan's house through the back door while they were playing a video game. He said the big guy punched him in the face twice and knocked him out- at which point Sam sniggered with laughter. I rolled my eyes.
How the hell could she be laughing at a time like this. Alex tried to clap back with a comeback but I didn't have time for their childish games.

"Ugh Alex and then what happened!! Where are they?!" I screeched losing my patients.

"I dunno, I was going to call the police but I don't even know where they took Ryan, and then I got sent this text". He said pulling out his phone.
I quickly grabbed Sams phone from her bag so I could see the video once more and think clearly. She was too busy snapping at Alex to even realise.

"... The police! So you're a liar and a snitch then, who the fuck raised this little bitch" Sam snapped once more.

I couldn't be bothered with the two of them I just grabbed his phone so I could read the message. It was from a burner phone so the number couldn't be traced. It read:

Tell anyone about this and you and your little friend are dead.

Well there wasn't much I could gather from that about the guys whereabouts. Except that maybe Sam was right and maybe Alex was a little bitch. Sounds like he didn't even try to help his friend out. I turned back to the video Sam showed me to get a clearer look at the room Ryan was in. It was hard because it was so dark but I could just about make out that it looked like an old abandoned garage not far from here. I remember when Jay and I were younger we used to sneak in there when it was late. I used to be terrified of going in there because it was always so dark and cold. Jay used to tell me how people used to get murdered in there. He was joking back then but it looked like he was clearly trying to make that shit a reality. I was hoping it was the same garage as that's the only one I knew of. It would only be 5 minutes away if I ran there. I just hoped I wasn't too late. The last thing I need is to lose Jay forever in prison.
I handed Alex back his phone and told Sam I knew where to go. I asked Alex is he was coming and he said no. He only called us so we could try and speak some sense into Jay.

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