My life sucks- Chapter 2

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I was awoken by the high pitched tone of a text message. A short vibration followed that tickled my upper thigh where my phone lay.
Wow.. that was really all the action I was going to get today, I thought to myself as I reached for it.
I squinted as the brightness from the screen scorched my tired eyeballs.
It was a text from Samantha, aka my other best friend. Sam and I became close in year 8 as soon as we realised we were both boy crazy and had lots in common. She would always hangout with Jay and I as she only live down the road.
The text read:

Wake up bitch, it's time for our jog! These sexy bodies aren't gonna get themselves? We have to look good for prom!

I sighed at the thought of getting out of bed to go jogging. Honestly who in their right mind would want to leave their cosy bed this early on a Saturday morning? Especially when they had God's gift laying right beside them.
I turned over to see Jay still sleeping peacefully. He was laid flat out with the blanket halfway down his body. Even in his sleep he was sexy. My eyes did a quick scan of his body but seemed to get stuck on a particular area..
My lord, was that a boner? I leaned in close as i thought my eyes were deceiving me. They definitely weren't, I mean it was pretty hard to fucking miss!
I smiled to myself as I couldn't take my mind off the size of it. It was huge... and dare I say, kind of turning me on.

Oh my God! Did he get that from lying in bed with me? I blushed.
I'm not going to lie I feel like there were a few times he may edged closer to me in the night.. and I may have you know.. arched my back a little so i could be closer to his crotch.
I let out a giggle. I couldn't help but feel pleased at the thought of actually getting Jay aroused. I laid next to him grinning like a psycho while he slept. I was almost worried I had woken him up as he fidgeted slightly and turned over to me. Still appearing asleep he wrapped his hand around my waist and brought me closer to him. My smile instantly grew ten times wider as my heartbeat accelerated. Was this really happening? I couldn't believe it. I tried to go with the flow and edged in closer to him so we were literally centimetres apart. I was so ready to kiss him, I was just waiting for him to make the first move.

"Mmm Amber" The words crept out of his mouth.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

His eyes immediately shot open and he ripped his hand off my waist.

"What! What the hell is wrong with you?" He screeched in confusion still appearing half asleep.

His eyes were blood shot red as if he had been in a deep sleep. I was so embarrassed I didn't even know how to respond. This guy was having a fucking sex dream about Amber while touching me. Ugh! I just wanted to find a hole to dive into and stay in it forever.

"Erm.. nothing" I said hurriedly as I stripped the covers off me and jumped out of the bed. He still looked confused but went straight back to sleep. He probably didn't even know what was going on, or the fact that he had just called me that bitches name! What a great way to start my day.

I ran into my bathroom and started my morning routine. I washed my face, brushed my teeth and scraped my hair into a high bun. I put on my shower cap and jumped in the shower. I knew there was no point in showering yet as I was going for a run but I needed something to cleanse my soul. Especially after that bullshit just happened.
The water felt so good on my skin, but I couldn't even focus on that. All I could think about was the embarrassment I called my life. Why did Jay have to like Amber? Why not me?
Was it her soft caramel skin that attracted him? As girls like her always got the guys, meanwhile my deep chocolate shade often went unnoticed. I thought deeper.. hmm maybe it was her beautiful curly hair that he liked? I always permed my hair and added long clip ins. I realised a long time ago that my 4C hair was far from what boys liked. Though looking back I did miss it.

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