Hot chocolate - Chapter 17

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It was around 9:45am when my alarm went off. I quickly turned it off as I didn't want to wake up Ryan who was still sleeping. I quickly got out of bed still feeling a little sore and went straight to my mirror. I still had a little bruise on my face but the swelling had gone down completely so I knew I could cover it with makeup. I raised my shirt and was horrified. My body was still covered in heavy bruising. It was hot outside today but I knew I had no choice but to cover up. After showering i put on a big blue oversized t shirt with some black leggings and my converses. I put on some foundation carefully ensuring I covered the bruise on my face. I needed at least two layers. I added some pencil to my eyebrows and concealer and put on some lip gloss. I took my hair down from it's ponytail and straightened it out and left it down in a middle part.

Ryan woke up just as I was about to leave and told me to face him so he could see how he looked. He examined my face for a few seconds before saying I looked good as new and was allowed to go out. He pulled me in for a kiss on the lips and I swear to God i nearly gagged. He told me I was to be home no later than 5pm.
Ugh I swear I hated that guy.

My test was an hour long at 11am so I knew I could meet Jay straight after at 12pm. I was so unprepared for my test. I hadn't even revised and my head was all over the place. I made my way down my road and met Sam. She told me I looked better but was still pissed off. I literally had to convince her not to go in to my house to stab Ryan with her rat tail comb she had on her.

We got in to school around 10:50am. Sam did her best trying to prepare me for the test on the way to college and gave me some of her notes to read before we went into the hall for our exam. It was a little too late to be cramming shit in but I was grateful for her help none the less.

I came out of the exam nearly in tears at how badly I believed I had failed. The test was a big percentage of my final grade so I knew I was fucked. My mood was lifted as soon as I saw Jay approaching me with two large cups of hot chocolate topped with whipped cream that he had probably gotten from the cafeteria. He knew it was my favourite. His eyes lit up as he entered the ICT room that I was waiting for him in as arranged. I smiled as he set the cups down on the table and engulfed me in a hug as I was sat on one of the tables. The familiar smell of his cologne and my bubble gum shampoo in his hair that he had stolen from my house made me feel safe. He was hugging me too tight though as I couldn't help but wince in pain as my bruises were still fresh. I think he noticed as he released me from his embrace.

"Oh sorry Ally, didn't mean to hurt you I just missed you so much" he said laughing.
That was until he saw the pain in my face. His face turned stern.

"Wait, what's wrong are you okay? Was it your test? Sam mentioned you may be feeling a little down when I passed her in the hall"

"No I'm fine" I said with a weak smile trying to mask my pain.

"What was it that you had to tell me?" I continued.

Jay looked away, like he didn't know how he was going to form his next sentence.

"what?" I said prodding him in the chest with my finger.

"I think you should drink this first, might soften the blow if you know what I mean"
jay said picking up the steaming cup of hot chocolate putting it near my lips. Although it was very tempting, I knew the news must be bad if hot chocolate or some kind of treat was involved. Jay always did this to soften the blow when the news was bad. One time he got me 3 dozen Krispy cream donuts when he had to break the news to me that my cat died while I was away on holiday. Shit. What could be worse than that?

"Jay just tell me" I said moving the cup away.

"No ally at least take a sip come on" jay said pushing the cup towards me once more. I was so frustrated I pushed the cup away from my face a little too fast.
Jay lost his grip of the cup and it spilled all down my top.

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