The party - Chapter 8

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Loud music filled our ears as we stepped into Meghan's beautifully decorated house. She had the main lights off and LED lights that flickered different colours on. Her back doors were open which led to her huge garden. A few people were sat outside smoking cigarettes and playing beer pong. The atmosphere was amazing as we were greeted by a sea of people from our college. Everyone was dancing and drinking like their life depended on it, I couldn't wait to join in.

Sam and I headed over to the rum punch bowl and poured ourselves a drink in the plastic cups provided. Even though I had just been sick, I was still on a mission to get drunk and forget about the Jay and Amber situation. I downed several cups of punch and started dancing with our friends. The punch was strong and I could already hear my words slurring as I told Sam I was having a great time. She told me to cool off the alcohol as I was getting carried away. I just ignored her and continued drinking.
My liquid courage had returned and I was starting to feel as confident and sexy as ever, I felt invincible like nothing could stop me. I started dancing in a care free manner and flirted with some of the guys in our class.

When the bashment music came on I dragged Sam to the middle and started whining and twerking. I didn't usually dance in public but there was a first time for everything. After all, I had years of dance practice in front of my mirror at home. The alcohol had now hit Sam and she was dancing just as bold as me. We were full of giggles as the crowd of guys watched us.

Just as I bent over to whine my waist I felt two big hands wrap around me, their crotch pressed up close against my bum. I turned round to see Tyrone behind me with a big grin on his face. I smiled and continued dancing. Every time I bent over I would feel his grip tighten around my waist and his dick press up against me. It was obvious he was getting hard, but I didn't care. He was so handsome. I couldn't help but lust over his tall frame and muscles. He had the silkiest dark skin, a full beard and he was covered in tattoos.

He would never usually look in my direction at college as he was always surrounded by a group of pretty girls. I wasn't his usual type as I often saw him flirting with light skin girls... I guess he wanted some chocolate tonight!
I turned to face him as a slow jam came on. He smiled at me with his perfect teeth and luscious lips. Jay who? I thought to myself as I wrapped my arms around him. Every guy grabbed a girl and started dancing around us. I spotted Sam dancing with a sexy guy called Trey from our maths class.

Tyrone's hands traveled from my waist to my bum and gave it a squeeze. He leaned into my ear and told me that I looked sexy tonight. I leaned into thank him for his compliment but was surprised when I was interrupted by a kiss instead. My body tingled as he slowly slipped his tongue in and out of my mouth. I was so drunk, the tingles shot straight down to my clit with every kiss. My body heated up as he ran his hands over my body and pressed up against me.
I got the sudden urge to pee as all the drinks were now weighing on my bladder. I broke away from the kiss and told Tyrone I would be right back, then made my way to the bathroom on the other side of the room. I spotted Jay and Amber on my way through the crowd, they were sat a few feet away from the bathroom door. I briefly caught Jay's eye and gave him a dirty look before walking inside and locking the door. I glanced at myself in the bathroom mirror and realised I looked a mess.

My eyes where red and my dress was hiked up above my knees from all the dancing. My lipgloss was fucked up from all the kissing and my freshly straightened hair had poofed up from my sweat. I pulled my knickers down and plonked myself on the toilet seat to pee, a moment later I heard a loud thud on the door. I quickly finished up, flushed the toilet and washed my hands before unlocking the door. Before I could even step out, Tyrone barged inside and pushed me back into the bathroom. I had no idea what he was doing in here but he looked even better in the light. I turned away embarrassed at my rough appearance. He didn't seem to care as he pulled me straight in for another kiss.

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