Red lacy knickers - Chapter 32

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I couldn't believe my ears, how could this be? I didn't even know Ryan had a brother in prison and I dated the guy! Then again I didn't know he would turn out to be a rapist and abuser either. I guess it made sense though, this Ricky guy literally killed Mario's ex and Ryan.. well he nearly killed me.

Jay made an excuse for us to leave early as he didn't feel Sam would be able to keep her mouth shut. Mario seemed too angry thinking about the Ricky situation with his dad to even notice us leaving so abruptly. We headed to Jays car, but not before Mario confirmed he was still meeting Jay for basketball tomorrow.

The car ride back was chaos, mainly due to Sam losing her shit in the back seat. She was literally talking at 100 miles per hour saying she was 'too cute' for prison and didn't think she could make it as somebody's bitch.

"Your not going to be someone's bitch! Because your not going to prison so shut the hell up Sam!" Jay shouted from the drivers seat.

"Ohh here we go again. Shut up this, shut up that! Well I have news for you buddy, it will be 10 times worse for you, you know! With your pretty face you'll be someone's prison bitch in no time!" She screamed.

The car came to a holt as Jay pulled over sharply on the side of the road.

"THATS ENOUGH!" He shouted as he turned back to Sam.
He took a deep breath.

"Look your scared alright I get it. But the more you freak out the worse this is going to be. You have to stop looking so guilty otherwise people are going to think your guilty. Look all we have to do is keep quiet. The Ryan situations sorted, me and Cario know what we're doing. We've prepared for the possibility of Alex going to the police. It's all taken care of. So the only thing that could possibly fuck this up is you two" he said now looking at the both of us.

"What do you mean us two? Sams the one that can't keep her mouth shut?" I said surprised I was now involved.

"Yes you as well! Look Sam may have a mouth on her but your no better when you've had a drink. All I'm asking is we need to be careful, I don't want us slipping up with our words when Mario's around. Which means no more drinking around him". He said with a stern look on his face.

I shook my head in disbelief that he thought I could be so stupid to expose Ryan's death.

"You really think I'm that dumb?" I asked giving him daggers with my eyes.

"No I just think you've been through a lot of hurt and pain. Alcohol seems to be your trigger.. I don't know.. I feel like when your drunk your emotions get the best of you. Sometimes you might say too much, we all know alcohols like truth serum and we can't get caught slipping. I don't want any of us saying anything we shouldn't by mistake. We can't trust this Mario guy yet, and anyone we can't trust right now is a potential threat or even an enemy. " He said.

I sighed into my seat. I guess he was right, we had to be careful.

"Ok well if we can't trust him, why are you being so buddy buddy with him, going off to play basketball tomorrow" I asked confused.

"Keep your friends close and your enemy's closer I guess" Jay replied before starting up the car again and taking off.

Jay dropped us home as we had another lesson on our personal statements tomorrow at college. I was quite happy to be by myself for a bit as all the arguing today had given me a major headache. Mum made lasagne for dinner so I ate that and binge watched Eastenders episodes on BBC Iplayer in bed. I felt my phone vibrate on my left thigh as I took my final bite of lasagna.
It was a text message:

Sorry about all that earlier. Just remembering what that guy did to my ex really fucked me up, wana make it up to you guys tomorrow night. Party at mine!

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