Chapter 15: Always there to help

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(Unedited, 2nd draft) 

Chapter 15: Always there to Help

Has the weeks past it seem that Chance and I finally found a balance on living together. He had spent a week rearranging the guest room into a temporary office till he found a building that suited his liking. He had talked to me about building a hotel out here, but since the town was much smaller than where most his hotel where he thought second on it.

By the time summer came around Greg changed my schedule, so Aunt Maria didn't have Ayanna all day. Chance had insisted that I leave my schedule the same, so he could have some father daughter bonding time, but I was used to having my schedule the way it was in the summer time that I didn't tell Greg other ways.

There be nights when we all be sitting in the living room watching a movie with Ayanna bundle up next to her dad and I see him looking over at from the other couch. The emotions flashing through his eyes seemed to always show me the wanting and need he had for me, making me see that he wasn't the same person I had known back in high school. It took all the straight I had not to get up and sit on the other side of him.

He had been giving me the space I had asked for and I didn't want to give into him just yet. After we had gotten home all those mouths back from finding out all those secrets my own parents had kept from me, we hadn't talked much about the engagement which shows me that he meant that he wasn't going to pressure me into this marriage.

Then came the night when I was at work about to leave, but I was waiting for Carlos to show up, when Greg pushed through the kitchen door hysterically. He rarely came into the kitchen when I was here unless he needed to talk to me, but seeing his face distraught I could sense something bad had happened.

He didn't say anything as he grabs my hand pulling away from the other workers and to the back to his office, shutting the door before he fell to his knees crying. I was clueless about what was going on, but knowing this guy had taken me in without a question I went and kneeled down in front of him wrapping my arms around him, "What's wrong?"

"Julia, she's in the hospital. They lost the baby." He left out in the weak voice. He just laid his head on my shoulder as his words hit me like a cold bucket of water. Julia pregnancy seems to be going fine which made me question what could have gone wrong that they lost the baby. Tears started falling down my cheek think how broken hearted I would have been if something had happened to Ayanna when I was pregnant with her.

"Go to the hospital. I know how to handle everything here." I told him. "She needs her big brother there along with Carlos. I can call Chance and tell him what happen."

"I can call Marcus to help with closing paperwork if you like." He said finally pulling away wiping the tears away with his sleeve. "I'll tell him to come in after the restaurant closes, so you won't have to worry about having any mishaps since I know you don't get along."

Knowing I didn't really have the strength to fight off Marcus, I had to do what was best to ease Greg mind during this dark hour. "Whatever would make you feel better, just go to your sister. I'll can run everything here fine with or without him."

"Thanks Lilly," he said, kissing the top of my forehead and getting up off the floor to his desk to get his car keys. As I stood back up, he was walking to the door. "I'll call you later once there news on why this has happened."

"Okay, now go before you have another breakdown." I said, seeing the tears run back down his face. He turns and walked out about the time I pulled my cell phone out to see Chance had called twice in the last ten minutes.

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