Chapter 57: Hades?

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•••••Raven's POV•••••

Since I was a kid, I have always wondered why I always feel like I do not belong in the Asano Family. Every time I see them laughing at each other, it felt so different compared to when I joined them.

I do not usually go out, either. Everywhere I go, I always have well-trained butlers tailing me. Ethan used to play with me, but only once in a very bright blue moon. He was always busy training and learning about how to manage the company.

Personally, I never grew up a normal teenager. I missed a lot of wonderful things in life. My best friend used to show me the beauty of the world. However, when she died, I have lost everything. She was a legit good samaritan that deserved to live more than I do. Yet, she was taken away from me-from the world whom she loved so much.

Unlike me, she valued life. That is why the moment she was gone, I swore to myself that I would go to Blandon High and find the person who killed her. I was certain that the person who slaughtered her was wearing the school's uniform with its logo. I could never be mistaken.

However, I was blinded so much by that goal that I never realized the person who kept on lying in front of my face all these years. I could have trusted Ethan even more. But after reading his mind and seeing that piece of his memory, I do not know what to do anymore. My head hurts. It hurts like that time.

I could have killed Ethan when I learned that I had a biological brother, and he has another name. However, I did not. After all this time, I realized late that Ethan gave me so much memory to remember him by.

"You look like in deep thought." I came back to my senses the moment I heard the bitch in front of me spoke. "You sure you don't want to back out? I don't like you to surrender in the middle o-"

"Why would I back out? Can't you let that in through your thick skull?" I looked at Headmaster who was watching. "Hey, Jerkass! Aren't you going to bell the ring or anything?"

The member of The Black Diamonds, especially Sniper, their leader plastered a smirk on their faces. Sagurano, however, gritted her teeth and was clearly irritated.

The headmaster nodded to someone right below us, and he ran towards us. He cleared his throat first before speaking.

"The rules in this battle are simple. First, you will claim the victory once your opponent will stay down after I count her ten seconds," he said. "or if you kill your opponent directly."

"Ten seconds, huh? Don't you think that's too long? I can knock this girl off in less than five seconds." My opponent suddenly spoke. She turned her gaze to the proctor. Then, she looked at me anew. "Oh, wait, why should I wait for ten seconds when I can kill you in an instant?"

"Well, aren't you full of yourself? Why don't you just let the young man finish so we can start?" She scoffed to what I said.

I signaled the proctor to continue, and he startled. Though, he nodded eventually.

"S-Second, you can also claim the victory if your opponent will give up." I looked at my opponent seriously as she battled with my stares. "Lastly, you can do whatever you want. I'll be the official in this match, but I won't butt in unless it's time for me to declare the winner."

"By everything, do you mean..." I closed my eyes and sighed. "Well, never mind."

I prepared myself so much for this. Even after knowing the truth that I had a brother, my goal still has not changed. My vengeance comes first, and if I have the time, I will go and see my brother.

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