d-d-d-uh damon!

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I stirred from my drowsy sleep as I fought to keep my eyes open. I looked around the room, seeing Damon sitting on the floor, smirking.

"What the hell are you doing in my rom?" I asked, my voice hoarse.

He let out a chuckle and said, "I take the glass out of your foot and put you in my bed only to be yelled at? Ouch."

I gasped as I remembered what happened and then I said, "Well, you shouldn't have opened th--- WAIT A FUCKING MOMENT!!!! I'M IN YOUR BEEEEEEDDDD!!!!!!"

Damon cringed as I screamed, but quickly composed himself and said while standing up, "I wouldn't take advantage of a girl with a bloody foot, as much as you know you would've wanted me Dtoo."

I couldn't help myself, I laughed. Then I said, "Your ego is gignormous."

Damon raised an eyebrow at me suggestively and said, "That's not the only thing that's hu---"

I cut him off with a swift kick to the shin. With my bad foot. I hissed in pain, and drew my foot up to my chest. I felt a tear slide down my face and I quickly wiped it away.

I stood up, ignoring my foots protests of pain, and ran to my room shouting, "Thanks for the help PERV!"

I collpased on my bed, but figured I should go clean the kitchen so there wouldn't be another repeat of what had jsut happened. I began to wonder where Jake was and I called to Damon from the kitchen, "DO YOU KNOW WHERE JAKE IS??????"

Suddenly Damon was standing behind me, an ice cold hand on my neck. His voice was right next to my ear and sent shivers down my spine. That kind that make you want to grab someones face and just about suck it off like a vacuum.

"Yes, and he won't be back for a coulpe of days. He went on a trip with "mom""

I stood stock-still. I felt a surge of lust go through me, but it was gone as quickly as it came.

I made my voice firm and unapologetic, "I'll just call Skyler and have him come over then."

I felt and heard Damon chuckle behind me as he pressed my back to his chest and wrapped his arms around me, "He's busy with his new slut, Jeanna, probably about to get it on. We should probably follow suit..."

I jerked away from him, and whirled around, "Damon, I've told you time and time again, I don't go for manwhores. I actually have a date with a nice guy named Jessie Leo."

Damon's face fell, but he quickly recovered by saying, "I'd like some proof, to meet him, but if he does in fact exist then I'm not gonna screw him over and more importanly screw you, just yet."

I let out a sigh of relief and began walking back upstairs, when, suddenly Damon as in front of me. Our noses were almost touching as he breathed these words down to me, "I swear to God, if this Jessie or Leo or who the fuck ever doesn't exist, I will through you over my shoulder and drag you to my room with a box of condoms and three bottles of whip cream and I won't let you leave for a week. I don't care what your excuse is, I have my period or I don't wanna, it's gonna happen and it's gonna happen soon."

He was suddenly gone, almost as fast as he came and I crouched to the ground, hugging my knees. I was suddenly filled with joy that Jessie Leo was a real guy and I decided I would date him no matter what Sky would say, and he couldn't stop me. Just like I couldn't stop him from dating that sluttly whorely bitchely assly twat of a person, Jeanna.

I dragged myslef up the stairs, literally, and threw myself on my bed. I fell asleep quicker than I should have, but only because of the melody I heard from Damon's room. It was beautiful, I didn't know Damon could play piano for shit, but -- wait, he has a paino in his room?

But none of these thoughts even processed til the morning, because I was swept up in the beautiful and kind melody.


And for the slideshow I hope works....

I think it goes like this


Leo Jessie





all of the guys are yummmmmmmmmmmmmy

specially Munro Fucking Chambers.....

mmmmmmhhhhhhmmmmm :)

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