Bad Dreams

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{Gerard's POV}

I had actually managed to get Frank to agree to talk to someone.

That was good.

I didn't want him to suppress his feelings.

He didn't deserve to feel like crap.

Because he was so much more than what had happened to him.

He was my amazing Frank.

I knew he would make it through this.

And I was here to help.


I stared up at the stars on my ceiling.

I'd given up on wishing on them.

It obviously didn't make much of a difference.

So what was the point?


I looked next to me.

Frank was lying on my right side, his hand wrapped around mine.

"I love you."

I smiled, "I love you, too."

I hadn't realised that he had woken up.

"Are..." He seemed uncertain, "Are you sure?"

I sat up a little which caused him to as well.

"Are you seriously questioning me?" I raised an eyebrow, "After every fucking thing we've been through?"

He nodded a little.

"Frank... If I didn't love you, would I really be here with you right now?"

He shrugged.

"I love you and there's no changing that," I stated.

Looking up at the ceiling, he sighed.

What was that about?

Maybe he had just needed some reassurance.

I looked up again too.

The silence that settled wasn't awkward but it was a little empty.

I wasn't going to pull a conversation out of him though if he didn't want to talk.

He was still pretty quiet.

And I was still being careful with what I said around him.

"Let's just go."

"What?" I looked at him.

"I mean it," His eyes didn't leave the stars, "Let's just leave. Now. Let's travel. Let's run away and never come back."

I half smiled, "I like the sound of that but we can't, Frank."

"Why not?"

"We're too young. I know it sucks to hear this, but we can't leave school until next year. Maybe we could disappear then. I do find that rather appealing."

He looked at me, "I would go anywhere with you, Gee."

"Same for me. To be honest, I don't give a shit where I am, as long as I'm with you."

He rested his head against my shoulder, "Always."

He yawned loudly and snuggled up closer.

I looked down at him.

Why did he have to be so fucking cute?

It was really distracting.

I kissed him lightly on the top of his head.

I'll Be Your Gerard If You'll Be My FrankWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt