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{Frank's POV}

I fell onto my hands and knees, doubled over in pain.

Tony laughed over me.

"That's what you get for talking back to me," He growled, "Got it?"

I managed to nod but I didn't look at him.

"See ya later, kid."

The front door slammed shut.

I lowered myself onto my back and sighed.

Being punched in the ribs numerous times was not exactly the way I had originally wanted to spend my morning.

Holy shit, they hurt.

I took a few deep breaths before sitting up slowly.


I had never felt pain like this before.

I guess I'd never really been beat up before.

Using the sofa, I pulled myself up onto my feet.

Fuck fuck fuck.

The only thing I could think to do was go upstairs into the bathroom.

It took a while but I eventually made it up there.

I stared back at myself in the mirror.

For some reason, my Mom had insisted on putting a full-length mirror in our bathroom.

I never really used it.

But today was different.

I started to pull up my t-shirt.

Shit, I did not look good.

I had blood down my torso and already yellow bruising was forming.

Tony had gone too far this time.

But then again, he didn't give a shit how hurt I got.

That was the point.

I grabbed a flannel and ran it under the tap.

I knew this was going to sting.

And I was right.

I squinted in pain as I started dabbing my ribs.

Ouch ouch ouch.

As always, thanks a fucking lot, Tony.

When I had wiped away the blood, I examined the wound.

It really didn't look good.

About eight small, diagonal cuts were visible.

Tony's ring had probably done that.


I noticed then that there was blood on my t-shirt too.

Fuck sake.

I pulled it off and threw it at the floor.

I was so done.

This was fucking ridiculous.

How long would this continue for?

I went into my room and started filing through my drawers.

When I found a Green Day t-shirt, I shoved it over my head.

My ribs probably needed stitches but I knew the hospital wasn't an option.

We didn't own any bandages so that wasn't an option either.

I'll Be Your Gerard If You'll Be My Frankحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن