What Now?

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{Frank's POV}

What would I do now?

Gerard was gone.

And how long for?

No fucking clue.

Any amount of time was too long to be honest.

Saying goodbye was hard.

So was waving as he left.

Keeping in all those tears and putting on a brave face...

I needed to stay strong for him.

As soon as the car was gone, I headed straight back down to his bedroom.

I left Ray and Mikey to their own devices.

I wasn't in the mood for company.

When I was in the basement, my eyes searched for what my heart desired.

There she was.

My girl.

I picked the case up and laid it on the bed.

After surveying it for a second, I opened it and picked up my girl.

My Pansy.

I'm sorry I left you, Girl.

Anyway, it wasn't like I had left her some place horrible.

This was Gerard's room.

One of my favourite places.

I put Pansy back in her case and shut it.

I guess there wasn't much point in staying any longer.

I picked up the case and my amp from the corner.

Before I headed up the stairs, I turned back and looked around the room.

My eyes stopped on the wall where the picture had been.

It was gone now.

Had Gerard taken it with him or just thrown it away?

I had no clue.

After switching off the light, I left the room.

There was no point staying in this house for another second.

I didn't bother saying goodbye.

I just left.

Walking down the road, I thought about how close Gerard and I had gotten so fast.

I thought about the promise we had made one another.

The promise that we would always look out for each other.

Why was all this going through my head?

Fucking hell, Frank!

It's not like Gerard had died.

He would be back soon.

But until then, it was just me.

Well, me and Pansy.

I doubted I would be able to play her much though while Tony was around.

Ugh. Tony.

I had forgotten about that sleazeball.

Hopefully he wouldn't be there when I got home.

Knowing my luck though, he probably would be.

I unlocked the door and entered the house.

I'll Be Your Gerard If You'll Be My FrankHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin