Holy Shit

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{Gerard's POV}

Frank really enjoyed his birthday.

I was so glad I managed to make it special for him.

After all, it was the least I could do for him.

I had another surprise for him too.

I was going back to school on Monday.

The thought was a little scary but I knew Frank would look out for me.

I would be fine.

Everything would be fine.

Although, it seemed like neither of us would make it to Monday.

Not after that weekend.

Frank's birthday had been on Friday and that was fine.

But... Saturday really scared me.

I mean... really scared me.

Let's go back to Saturday morning.

I was the first to wake up.

I wasn't sure what time it was but I could tell it was about mid morning.

Frank was sleeping soundly next to me.

His hand was still attached to mine and his head rested against my shoulder.

Luckily, his head wasn't too heavy so it didn't ache too much.

I looked over him to Mikey and Ray.

My eyes widened as I saw Mikey had his arm around Ray's middle and Ray had his around Mikey's shoulders.

I smirked.

They were ridiculous.

I bet they hadn't even intended to lie like that; they had just ended up like that.

Sounded about right.


I looked back down to see Frank staring up at me.

"Morning," I smiled and kissed him on the forehead.

He returned my smile, "Hey."

I watched as he sat up properly and stretched, letting go of my hand.

Now that I was free, I stretched a little too.

I missed his hand in mine though.

"Fuck, it's hot," He rubbed his eyes.

"Take off your onesie then," I smirked.

He looked at me and grinned, "Maybe I will..."

"Go on then."

I had no idea what had caused this flirty behaviour but I went along with it anyway.

He stood up and stretched again before smiling down at me and holding his hand out.

I took it and he pulled me up.

I saw his eyes move to Mikey and Ray's intertwined bodies.

"What the...?" He tried to hold in laughter.

I laughed, "I don't have a clue."

Frank shrugged and turned back to me.

"Come on then," He nodded towards the door and put his hand in mine.

He led me into the hallway but froze when we were out of the living room and dropped my hand.

I frowned but then saw what had caused him to stop in his tracks.

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