Bye, Mom

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{Frank's POV}

"Excuse me," Gerard bit his lip.

He basically ran out of the room after that.

I frowned after him.

What was that about?

"Gee, no..." Mikey moaned next to me.

I looked at him.

What the fuck was going on?

Ray and Mikey shared a look; A sad look.

"What's happening?" I demanded.

Ray just shook his head.

Mikey bit his lip before looking at me.

I could tell he was contemplating whether or not to tell me.

I waited, watching the gears spin in Mikey's head.

"Um... Well..." He swallowed hard.

He looked at Ray again, seeing what his opinion was.

Ray shrugged in response.

"Okay," Mikey began, "But before I say anything, don't tell Gee I told you. He'd kill me."

I just nodded in reply, slightly concerned by what he was going to tell me.

"Gee... Gee has some... Issues," Mikey looked down sadly.

"What kind of issues?" I frowned.

"Issues... With food. He doesn't really like to eat."

I frowned.

I couldn't imagine my life without food but that was probably because I was a fat slob.

No complaints here though.

"He doesn't like to eat?" I repeated.

"Not as such," Mikey looked down.

"He's basically the complete opposite of me," Ray laughed, trying to lighten the mood.

"He just doesn't enjoy eating very much," Mikey carried on, ignoring Ray, "He would prefer to starve himself than eat... Well, anything."

I nodded. I was taking it all in.

"So he has an eating disorder?"

I hated putting labels on things but for my own understanding, I had to.

"I guess you could call it that. My Mom hasn't taken him to get diagnosed by a professional yet though."

I nodded again.

Okay, that wasn't so bad.

One of my friends at my old school had an eating disorder.

She only told a few people.

So, I guess, it was a pretty touchy subject.

It hit me then; I had just learnt something really private about Gerard and hadn't even got his permission to know.


Great fucking work, Frank!

He might not have wanted me to know.

I was a real dickhead sometimes.

"So," Mikey started to wrap things up, "Don't mention anything to Gerard-"

The guy in question appeared then.

He cautiously opened the door and walked back into the room.

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