Cringy Couples

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{Gerard's POV}

I was watching Frank with caution.

I didn't want him to break down at school.

If I had it my way, he wouldn't even be at school.

But of course, he had to be stubborn.

School wasn't the best place for him.

He wouldn't hear any of it though.

He just wanted to make sure I was okay.

I was fine.

My problems seemed so small and insignificant in comparison to his.

I had actually forgotten what had happened to me because I was so focussed on Frank.

He was my priority.

Throughout the day, a few people in my grade had asked me where I had been.

I just made up some lie.

I didn't keep track of what I told them.

In fact, I couldn't even remember.

That was because of Frank.

I was trying to keep a really close eye on him.

He wasn't in any of my classes though except for Music and Spanish.

I knew he was in Mikey's Math class so I asked him to watch him.

Mikey agreed of course.

Although, he thought I was overreacting.

Was I overreacting?

Okay, maybe a little.

Mikey still helped me though.

He knew how much I cared.

When lunch time rolled around, I took Mikey aside.

"How was Math?" I asked.

Mikey shrugged, "Fucking boring as usual."

I rolled my eyes, "I meant, how was Frank?"

Mikey raised an eyebrow, "Okay... A bit quieter than usual but he was okay."

I nodded, thinking it over.

I had noticed that he was a little quiet too.

Understandable but was it something to worry about?

"I know you're worried," Mikey pulled me out of my thoughts, "We all are, Gee. Ray and I don't think he should be here either. But it's his choice. So, just take it down a notch. Constantly worrying isn't going to help anything."

He was right, I knew he was.

That didn't stop me from worrying though.

"You're right," I sighed.

"I know," He nodded and walked back over to the lunch table.

Well, looked like that conversation was over.

I sighed again before following him and sitting down across from him, next to Frank.

Mikey glanced around, "Where's Ray?"

Frank shrugged, not looking up from the table, "Beats me."

I looked at Frank.

He was a lot less upbeat than this morning.

I didn't say anything though.

Instead, I placed my hand over his on the bench.

He looked up and smiled a little at me.

I'll Be Your Gerard If You'll Be My FrankOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant