Last Session

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{Frank's POV}

Life was hard.

Getting up and going through the same bullshit every day was hard.

But I wasn't the type of guy to give up.

Fuck life.

Fuck feeling this way.

Fuck everything.

I was going to get through this.

Shit like this didn't last forever.

Everything would be fine in the end.

Especially with Gerard by my side.

He would always be there.

One of my relatives once told me, "First relationships never last forever. Most people don't stick with the person they're with at seventeen."

That was a load of shit.

Gerard and I had to stay together.

After everything we had been through, we had to.

We weren't normal seventeen year olds.

We had been through so much.

Gerard had almost killed himself.

He was put in a psychiatric ward for anorexia.

And yet, here he was.

The best he's ever been.

And not to sound egotistic but that was thanks to me.

I had helped him through all of this.

I would always be there for him and I knew he would for me too.

Don't get me wrong, I had baggage as well.

I used to hurt myself daily.

I was verbally abused by my Mom and my Dad for as long as I could remember.

...I was almost raped.

It seemed that both me and Gerard were magnets for bad luck.

But as long as we were together, we could get through it all and more.

Hell, we were both still here weren't we?

Just barely but we were.

We were survivors.

That sounded cheesy but it was true.

I had a feeling that things would be better now.

Nothing else would happen.

I mean, we'd both been through Hell and back once already.

Surely life would be pretty easy now.

Well, easier anyway.

I was counting on that.

"Well, Frank, this is our last session. Is there anything you'd like to talk about in particular?"

I shrugged, "Not really."

"How's your week been?" Dr Adams asked.

"Same as normal. School sucks."

She nodded, "I was never a big fan either. Are you looking forward to Christmas?"

"Not sure. This is my first Christmas without my Mom," I replied.

"Do you want to spend it with your Mom?"

"Not particularly. She usually gets drunk and passes out on the kitchen floor," I sighed at the memory.

I'll Be Your Gerard If You'll Be My FrankDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora