Shit, That Was Scary

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{Frank's POV}

"Are you coming?" I pulled on my converse.

He looked at me as if I were mad.

"Of course."

I half smiled and waited for him to put on his shoes.

I knew he didn't want to be here any longer.

He didn't like this place anymore than I did.

When he was done, he stood up and murmured, "How long are you coming over for? Are you gonna stay the night or...?"

I laughed and replied, "Wow, Gee! Take it down a notch! We've only been together like twenty minutes. I like you and everything but-"

His eyes bulged and he quickly cut me off, "No, no! I didn't mean it like that!"

I laughed again and put him at ease, "I'm just shitting with you. Nah, I probably won't stay over. My Mom'll be on my ass."

He nodded.

I led him out of my room and downstairs.

He stayed close behind me.

I guess he was more intimidated by Tony than I thought.

The dickhead in question was watching some shitty football game.

I wandered into the kitchen to find my Mom standing by the open back door, having a smoke.


She glanced over at me.

"I'm going over to Gerard's for a bit."

She frowned before putting out her fag and saying, "You just came from there."

"Yeah, well I'm going back," I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever," She shrugged, "We won't be here when you get back."

It was my turn to shrug and I was about to turn back around but my mom spoke again, "So, Gerard. Are you my Frank's new boyfriend?"

I looked at her and then at Gerard.

He looked a little worried so I decided to answer for him, "No, mom. We're just friends."

"Mmmhmm," She smirked.

I took Gee back into the lounge where the local dickhead was waiting for us.

My Mom had followed us too.

"So," He stood up and walked over to us, "It's you again; the little shit."

He was looking at Gerard.

"Shut up, Tony," I was not having him call Gerard a name. He could call me all the names he wanted but he was not insulting my Gerard.

I knew Tony couldn't do anything, not while my Mom was in the room.

"Don't call Gerard a 'little shit'," Mom rolled her eyes.

Tony frowned.

I smirked at Tony, enjoying my little victory.

"See ya, Mom," I grabbed my keys and my phone.

"See you tomorrow," She replied.

When I shut the door behind me, I sighed a sigh of relief.

I really did hate living there sometimes.

"Come on then," I turned to Gerard.

He looked a little pale.

I frowned, "Are you okay...?"

I'll Be Your Gerard If You'll Be My FrankTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang