Don't Believe Them

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{Gerard's POV}

I knew we couldn't avoid this subject forever.

I needed to mention it... The fact that Frank had been holding a razor blade when I had arrived.

I knew this conversation wouldn't be a favourite of either of us but it had to be addressed.

"Hey, Frank...?"

He was lying on his back, his eyes latched on the ceiling.


I bit my lip.

Before I said anything else, my eyes wandered over to his chest-of-drawers where I had placed his blade.

Frank was still waiting to hear what I would say.

I stood up and walked over to the blade.

I picked it up and looked it over.

Frank was sitting up now and watching me.

I looked up from the piece of metal in my hand to Frank.

"How... How many more do you have?" I asked hesitantly.

Without even thinking, he replied, "Six."


He got up from the bed and came over to me.

He kept his eyes locked on mine as he took the blade out of my hand and set it back down.

I opened my mouth to speak but something in his expression made me stop.

I followed his gaze as he looked down at his jeans.

I wondered for a second what he was thinking before he suddenly, in one swift move, pulled them down.

I was shocked at first just by his action but then I noticed the cuts.

There were loads...

I had never seen so many cuts on a body that wasn't mine.

It-it was horrible.

"Oh, Frank..." I bit my lip.

"I know," He yanked his jeans back up, "I'm disgusting."

He went back and sat on the end of his bed.

"You're not disgusting," I sat down next to him.

He shook his head, not believing me.

"Believe me, I know how it feels, Frank. I know how it feels to do that to yourself."

He didn't look at me.


I wasn't sure what else to say.

I wasn't about to have a massive heart-to-heart with him about why we use cutting as a release.

He took a deep breath before looking at me and saying, "I'm sorry."

He then looked back down and mumbled, "...I don't see why you care."

"What?" I was quite taken aback by that.

When he didn't say anything, I placed my hand on his and said, "Frank... Of course I care. I can't bare to think about you hurting yourself. I'm just confused as to why a guy as amazing and cute as you wants to do that."

He looked up and his lips curled up at the corner, "You think I'm cute?"

"Of course," I smirked.

His smile dropped, "I'm not though and I'm not amazing. I'm just a waste of space. I'm not worth anyone's time. I fuck everything up."

I hated that Frank put himself down so much.

"No, Frank. You don't fuck anything up. You're not any of those things. Who told you that you were?"

I wanted to get to the bottom of this.

I wasn't having my Frank feel this way about himself.

Wow... "My Frank".

For some reason, it didn't feel weird calling him that.

"Uh... My-my Dad used to yell at me when he was drunk and my Mom sort of took over when he left..."

Oh Frank.

No wonder he believed a word his parents said.

He had no one else to look up to.

I could just imagine a young Frank Iero, cowering from the sharp words that left his Father's foul mouth.

His Mom too though?

I guess she blamed Frank for his Dad leaving because it was the only way she could cope.

Wow, I should be a psychiatrist.

"Frank, you shouldn't believe a word either of your parents say. It's not true."

He just shrugged before lying back on the bed.

"Please don't tell me you believe them," I said when he still hadn't said anything.

"Well, Gee," He replied after a moment, "When you spend a good part of your life believing one thing, it's kind of hard to just forget about it. Especially when people constantly remind you."

I lay down next to him, "I understand, believe me, I do."

"It's just gonna take some time," He continued, "I just need to look at everything in a different perspective and not believe everything my Mom or Tony tell me."

"Exactly!" I grinned, "And I'll be with you the whole time. You can always talk to me, Frank. I'm always here for you."

He looked at me and smiled.

"I know, Gee."


Okay, I had originally written that his cuts were on his arms and hip but then I remembered, "Oh yeah that's right. Frank took off his top in the last one..."

So I had to change everything haha.

I'm not having any continuity errors in my story! Fuck that shit.

Also... Now we've had a chapter with a topless Frank in AND one with Frank pulling his jeans down hehe.

I'm sorry about this chapter btw.

It's random and I hadn't originally planned to write it.

...Okay, I'll let you in on the secret:

I had already written chapter 18 and I was all set to upload it when SUDDENLY I noticed an error!!

Dun dun dunnnnnn!!

...I had written the chapter in the wrong POV.

Sad I know haha.

So I got really annoyed and debated with myself whether or not to upload it still.

But, being a perfectionist, I couldn't have the same POV two chapters in a row so I wrote this one.

Haha there's my angry tale.

I hope you enjoyed the short, crappy chapter :3

So yeah, expect the next chapter tomorrow :)

-Beth :3

I'll Be Your Gerard If You'll Be My FrankΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα