I Can't Take It Anymore

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*Contains Self inflicted pain*

{Gerard's POV}

I didn't really talk to Frank during the first two weeks after he arrived.

Well, I talked to him.

Just not as much as I would talk to Mikey.

But then again, I didn't talk much.

Okay, that wasn't true.

I talked to him occasionally but when I did, we just couldn't stop.

I loved talking to him.

He always had the most interesting things to say.

I was just too scared to start a conversation with him though so I had to wait until he asked me something or directed something at me.

I wish I had the confidence to talk to him as calmly as he talked to me.

I had finished the portrait I had drawn of Frank and I have to say, I was pretty proud of it.

I never really praised myself or thought my drawings were any good.

So what made this any different?

Was it because it was a drawing of Frank?

But I drew people all the time.

I never liked my drawings.

Not even when it was of Mikey or my Mom.

When I finished a drawing, I would usually put it in the bottom right draw of my desk and never really look at it again.

The draw was full of pictures and portraits.

In fact, it was almost full.

That's where my drawings usually ended up.

But not this one.

I didn't want to just throw it in a draw and never look at it again.

I carefully ripped the page out of my sketchpad and looked at it.

Something was missing.

What was it?

I knew what it was.

I had forgotten about his piercings.

I grabbed my black pencil and shaded some circular earrings on both of Frank's ears.

I then grabbed a silver pencil and added a nose ring to his right nostril and a lip ring on the left side of his lip.

I admired the portrait.



What was I thinking?

I shook my head, getting rid of that thought.

I was such a creep.

What to do with the drawing now...

I could leave it on my desk.

It might get in the way though and end up getting spoiled.

I contemplated the idea of sticking it on the wall.

No one really came down here.

But if they did it would look a bit stalkerish.

There wasn't really anywhere else to put it though...

Oh fuck it!

I grabbed some blutack out of my bottom drawer and attached some to the back of the paper.

I'll Be Your Gerard If You'll Be My FrankWhere stories live. Discover now