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Grace turns around to see who it is and as soon as she sees I can litterally feel the panick run through her body. While they all say hi to nessa josh looks straight at grace. He gets in the pool and stands behind me while I'm still holding grace and grace is looking over my shoulder at josh while he talks to her and I just have to look straight.

Gra: *eyes start to fill with tears*
Jo: Gracie, Grace look at me, calm down. Get out the pool and walk to the guest bathroom. Don't interact, don't look at anyone, just walk straight into the bathroom and lock the door and don't let anyone in unless I call your name.

Grace nods her head and looks into my eyes and they're gushing with tears. She does exactly what josh says and I stay behind.

Josh POV

After grace got out the pool, charli tried to say hi to her but she did exactly what I told her to and carried on walking. "Hey hey hey, charli, don't take that to heart we just trying to deal with something." She nods her head and says "just shout if you need me, I'm always here to help" I say thanks and run after grace. I knock on the bathroom door, "Gracie?" I hear a click on the door that unlocks it and I walk in and close the door and lock it. She's sitting on the ground with her head in her hands. I pick her up so she's sitting on the counter of the sink and her face is streaming with tears. As I'm about to start talking I hear a knock at the door. I open it slightly and see who it is, it's nessa and Jaden. "Let us help" nessa says and I open the door for them and lock it again.

"Awwww hey babe" nessa comes in and starts talking. She sticks her hand behind her and Jaden just assumes she needs the toilet paper so she hands it to her.
N: What's going on?
Gra: I can't be there with them *rests head on nessa's shoulder*
N: *looks at josh* what the fuck happened
Jo: *shows nessa addisons tweet*
N: holy shit, okay listen, you have to defend yourself and you can't let her get into your head because that's what she wants. We gonna go out there and you don't have to talk to her, but we're gonna go out there and have the best time and show her how amazing of a time we're having okay?
Gra: *nods her head*
N: now let's wash that beautiful face of yours and get out there

Jaden and I leave nessa and grace in the bathroom and go outside to join the others. A few minutes later nessa and grace come out and grace says hi to Avani and Charli. Then they both come over and grace goes up to Jaden.

Grace POV

I walk up to Jaden and wrap my arms around his torso. He hugs me and whispers in my ear, " you okay?" I nod my head and we kiss. "Get a room" shouts Q and everyone starts laughing. I'm with Jaden, Nessa is with josh, Avani is with Anthony, Addison is with Bryce, Griffin is with Dixie, kio is with Olivia and Q and charli are sitting together.
As we're all talking I go inside to grab a drink. I get the feeling someone's behind me so I turn around. There stands Addison. I go to walk away, but she stands in front of me.

Gra: I really don't feel like talking to you right now
A: agh what a shame
Gra: why the fuck would you post something like that?
A: I dunno maybe because you are all those things
Gra: you've known me for shorter than a week
A: yea but I can just tell you a fucking slut hooking up with Jaden right after mads left him
Gra: were not hooking up he's my boy friend
A: boyfriend? haha what a joke, he doesn't like you, well certainly not you I mean think about it how could he, look at you.

I see Jaden stop in the doorway that leads to the pool.

Gra: listen Addison I suggest you move out of my way before I get angry.
A: angry? ppffssttt how old are you? 12?
Gra: Addison seriously
A: I'd like to see you try "get angry"

I push her hard and she hits the counter. She looks at me and throws a huge punch at my face and everything starts to spin a bit. I go to punch her back and she grabs me and throws me into the open space I'm the living room and I hit my head on the ground. I stand up and can't see much. I have no idea what's going on. I run towards her so I can go throw a punch but I feel something grab my waist and hold me back.

Jaden POV

I grab her waist and pull her back and Bryce does the same for Addison. "Let me go!" She shouts but I know I can't. Josh runs into the room and tells me to take her to our room. I throw her over my shoulder and she starts banging the back of my back trying to get me to drop her. I take her downstairs to the room  and put her on one of the gaming chairs I look into her eyes and she looks like she was concuss. "Grace? you okay?" she opens her eyes and looks at me. With a busted lip and bruised cheek bone she still manages to look beautiful. Josh barges into the room. "Grace wtf?" he says. "No no no, she started with me and I told her to move and she was just starting with me so I pushed her and she threw a fucking punch at me." she said nervously. "Okay well if that's what happened then I believe you." Josh says. "Shit Grace your face" josh says as he holds it a touched her lip softly. She shakes with pain and just says "it's fine". Bryce barges into the room with Addison, griffin and Dixie behind him. "Control your girlfriend, douchebag!!" Bryce shouts at me and I get angry

Grace POV

Bryce barges in with Addison, griffin and Dixie behind him. "Control your girlfriend douchebag!!" He shouts at Jaden and I turn around and see Jaden getting angry. I stand up and things get a bit dizzy but I carry on walking towards him. "Stop. Block it out. Don't start a fight." I say to him pressing my hands against his chest but his mouth says it all. "Maybe you should control yours before picking on mine" Jaden exclaims. I'm now standing with my back towards Jaden trying to push him backwards. Bryce gets angry. Come say that to my face without the protection of your little girlfriend. Griffin holds Bryce back and I'm still trying to hold Jaden back but it's getting really tough. Josh closes the door and locks it on them and I sit back down. "We'll talk about it all when the girls leave." Nessa says and I just sit on the chair while josh cleans my lip and cheek.

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