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"WTF!!" someone shouts and pull away. It was josh. I jump off the counter and Jaden steps away. He looks angry and I get nervous.

Jo: * looks at Jaden * wtf are you doing!
Ja: Josh just wait it's not what it looks like bro
Jo: your kissing my little sister it's exactly what it looks like!

I press my hands against Josh's chest so he doesn't get physical with Jaden. "Josh just hold on"

Ja: Bro you have to let me explain
Jo: All I can fucking see is you hooking up with my sister as a rebound since mads left you!
Ja: She is not a fucking rebound!

Jaden gets angry and comes closer. I press each of my hands against both of their chests trying to separate them but I can't hold them mush longer.

Gra: STOP! STOP! please guys stop

But they don't listen and they are pushing against my hands stronger. The only thing I can think to do is call the other boys at the top of my lungs.


The other boys come rushing into the kitchen and see me standing between them. Anthony and Q start pressing josh against the wall and Kio and Griffin press Jaden against the opposite wall.

Gri: wtf happened in here.
Jo: Jaden is hooking up with my little sister as a rebound from mads!!
Ja: For fuck sakes no I'm not!!
Gri: okay shut it. Calm down and we gonna talk about this like men not like children.

Griffin makes us all stand around the island.

Gri: what happened josh?
Jo: I walk into the kitchen to see if Jaden needs help with making dinner but I walk into Jaden holding my sister and making out with her.
Gri: and Jaden what happened?
Ja: yes grace and I kissed but first of all I made sure she wanted to and second it wasnt a fucking rebound! * he bangs down on the table *
Gri: listen this is no ones fault but grace and josh, you guys need to talk privately about whatever is going on between Jaden and grace. Because it's not Jaden fault if grace wanted to kiss him to.

Jaden and josh hug and make up. The boys go eat dinner in the lounge and josh and I sit at the table. "Grace what was that?" Josh starts.
Gra: I don't know it kinda just happened
Jo: well did he force you to do it
Gra: no no of course not, I.. I wanted to because like over the past few days I've caught feelings for him and I mean it looks like he's caught feeling for me
Jo: well if you like him then I guess that's okay
Gra: so like if he asked me out and I said yes, would you be cool with that?
Jo: has he asked you out?!
Gra: no no no I'm just saying if
Jo:ohh okay, yea I guess that's fine on one condition...
Gra: yeaa?
Jo: if you ever get uncomfortable or something bad happens you come to me
Gra: okay yea i can do that
Jo: okay then if he asks you out I'll be okay with it
Gra: aahh yay thank you! I love you!
Jo: I love you to G!

We hug and he kisses me on the forehead. We carry on eating dinner together and the rest of the boys walk in to put their plates away.

A: all good over here?
Jo: *looks at grace* all good over here

We all sit in the lounge on our phones while Bryce and Q play fortnight. It's 11pm and I decide to go shower and go to bed. I walk downstairs and shower. I'm lying on my bed watching Netflix when I hear a knock at my door. "Come in!" I say and Jaden walks in.

Gra: oh hey
Ja: hey *sits on edge of graces bed*
Gra: what's up?
Ja: I came to ask how your talk with josh went
Gra: yea it was good we talked it all out
Ja: so like if I asked you out what would he say?
Gra: he would be fine with it
Ja: and if I asked you what would you say?
Gra: I'd say yes...
Ja: then grace would you like to be my girlfriend?
Gra: yea, I would *starts smiling*

Jaden comes and tackle hugs me. He lies on top of me with his hands wrapped around my neck. "I can't breathe" I blurt out with short breath. "Oh sorry" he says and gets off. "Well I'm gonna head to bed" he says, kisses me on my cheek and walks out the door. "YES!!" I hear as soon as he closes my door and I just start laughing.

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