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It was the day of the wedding and the guys were getting ready. "So Zak you got any butterflies?" Jay asked. "I've got butterflies on butterflies but I've got no cold feet"he replied. "Good because if you did we'd be looking for your spirit" as they laughed. As Zak was fixing his hair a knock came to the door. Billy got the door and it was his mother with Vincent.

"He wanted to wish his daddy good luck" as Aaron took him. As Aaron made funny faces at him his mother gave her son a box which Zak gave one in return. "What's with the exchange like a spy movie?"Jay inquired. "Oh this Sarah and I bought gifts for each other and my mother is the go between" he replied. "What did she get you?".

When Zak opened it tears started to fall down his face. "What is it?". "Zak, I wanted your gift to mean something and you always talk about your father and how much he would loved me if I had met him so I asked your mom for your father's wedding ring and had it sized so your father can be with you in spirit, love Sarah" Aaron read as tears fell down Zak's face.

"That's beautiful" Billy remarked as Zak put it on his finger. Zak wiped the tears from his face. "And I thought I wouldn't tear up untill I saw Sarah in her wedding dress" Zak remarked as Aaron gave him a tissue. "Zak why are you getting married in a church for?". "Two reasons one it's what Sarah wanted and I don't want any attachments to ruin this day too"Zak replied as they snickered.

"Shall we go?". "One thing someone needs their diaper changed"Billy remarked as the guys sniffed the air. "Wow that's worse than what you did in the mine Zak" as Zak picked up his son and took a whiff. "Buddy trying to clear the room Aaron find my mother and see if she has the diaper bag"Zak asked as he took Vincent in the bathroom.

At the church Sarah was ready to go when the phone rang. "Hello". "Sarah don't get scared I'm going to be a little late someone just went volcano in his diaper"Zak replied. "Oh Zak just try not to get any on your clothes". "If I show up in jeans and nice coat that I wear from Ghost Adventure you may have your answer to that question"he replied. "All right see you soon".

As Zak was cleaning him Vincent peed on his father. "Vincent you stinker now what am I going to wear". Then Zak got an idea. "Aaron!!!" he called out. Aaron opened the door. "You bellowed sir" he stated in British accent. "Do you remember that coat I wore when we went to Ireland go back and get it fast" Zak replied. "Got it" and left. Aaron got the coat as Zak changed his shirt and coat. At the church Sarah was wondering if Zak did get cold feet until a knock came to the door.

She opened it and it was Billy. "We're all set so shall we?". "Thanks for doing this Billy" she stated. "No problem". When they got to the entrance she saw Zak standing there looking handsome as the day they met. "What happened to his tuxedo?". "Someone decided to add his mark to it but Zak always thinks on his feet"he stated. Zak almost started to tear up as he saw Sarah walking down in her dress. The wedding was going great until they asked for the rings. Zak held up his fingers than whistle.

The door opened as Spirit and Gracie came down with the rings in a basket they were holding. Sarah was surprised as they came up to the altar. Zak took the rings and took two treats out of his pocket and gave them to the dogs. Gracie and Spirit walked down and sat at the bottom of the altar. Sarah smiled as Zak took out her ring as she did Zak's. "I now pronounce you man and wife you may kiss the bride". As they kissed everyone clapped and cheered even the dogs started to bark a bit.

As they walked out of the church Sarah looked back and whistled at the dogs as they walked next to their masters. In the limo they were having some champagne. "Zak that was so cool what you did with the dogs". "It wouldn't be a wedding if I didn't include them since they helped us meet" Zak replied. "I was just thinking back to when my mother got that concussion and she thought we were married I think my mom had a premonition that day" she remarked. Zak chuckled as he thought the same thing but didn't say it. "I love you Mr. Bagans" she remarked. "And I love you Mrs. Bagans" as they kissed.

THE END.........................

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