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Sarah went upstairs and sat on the couch feeling miserable to see Zak so sad.   That night the guys decided to take Zak out to celebrate his last investigation.  When Zak came down he saw Sarah sitting in the chair.  "You have my number?".  "Yea".  "I'll see you later" giving her a kiss.  Sarah watched as Zak left as tears fell down her face.  She turned and saw Gracie.  "Oh Gracie I'm so confused I don't want to hurt Zak but I hate seeing him so miserable knowing that I'm making him retire from something he loves to do.  I wish there was-". 

At the bar everyone was making jokes and having fun when Aaron's phone started to go off singing ghost busters.  "You really need to change that ring tone" Billy remarked as Aaron went outside. A few minutes later Aaron walked in and whispered something in Zak's ear.  Zak took his phone out of pocket and saw three missed calls from Sarah and two from Amber. 

"What's wrong?"Nick asked.  "Sarah started to have contractions I got to go" and Zak left.  At the hospital Zak got to the hospital to see Amber.  "Amber how's Sarah?".  "Sit down Zak" which he did.  "Sarah called me from the hospital she was bleeding and the baby had to be delivered.  "How is he?".  "He's in the NICU right now and Sarah is still in surgery".  "Oh god I had a feeling-".  "What do you mean Zak?".  "I don't know something kept telling me to stay home but I couldn't disappoint Aaron and the crew.  Now I wish I did"he replied running his hands through his hair. 

"Zak you didn't know this was going to happen".  "I could of been with her now she's fighting-" .  All of a sudden Zak put his hand over his heart as he started to wheeze.  "I need some help here!" Amber called out.  Zak looked up and saw someone sitting on some chairs.  His vision became blurry and Zak fell to the floor.  "Hello" the person stated getting up.  "Who are you?"Zak asked as he looked around.  "My name is Wendy Sarah's sister" she replied. 

GRACIE THE MATCH MAKERWhere stories live. Discover now