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When Zak and Aaron arrived Jay had set up a nerve center as Billy came out.  "Just being in there is making the hair on my body stand up" Billy stated.  "So are we ready?".  Before they went in an officer showed up.  "Thanks for coming" Sarah stated.  "You know we're even now" he replied.  "No problem Doug thanks for doing this" as she walked over to the guys.  "I thought I'd call Doug to keep an eye on the cabin just incase those worshippers come back" Sarah stated as Zak kissed her. As they went in Sarah stayed with Jay. 

"God remind me go to the nearest church and get like triple cleansed after this" Aaron stated.  "I'll join you on that" Billy added.  As Zak walked in he leaned against the door with his arm around his stomach.  "You all right?".  "I'm just feeling pain in my stomach"he stated.  "Zak that guy shot his wife in the stomach" Sarah remarked over the walkie. 

Zak started to feel better and took out a recorder.  "Why did you shoot your wife and children. Instead of paying for what you did. you decide to overdose on drugs in my book that's taking the coward's way out"Zak stated. 

As the guys were inside Spirit and Gracie showed up.  "How did you guys get here?" as they sat at nerve center.  "Hey Zak your bodyguards are here" Jay stated through the walkie. "Aaron I told you to make sure the door was shut tight" Zak replied.  "Sarah must have a doggy door" Aaron said.  "It's getting hot in here" Billy remarked.  Sarah noticed something upstairs and pointed it out to Jay. 

"Guys we just saw a dark mass upstairs" Jay called out.  "All right Aaron and Billy go upstairs I'll stay down here".  As the guys were upstairs in different rooms both doors slammed shut.  "What's going on?".  "Jay the door is stuck I can't open it" Aaron stated.  "Me too" Billy replied.  "ZAK GET OUT!!".  As Zak turned around he was slammed against the wall.  The dogs started to bark.  "I just turned on the speaker box whatever is downstairs wants Zak" Aaron remarked.  Sarah grabbed the rifle and went over to the lake.  "Hey Demon!!".  Billy looked outside.  "You remember this it's the rifle you used to kill your wife and child.  I'm going to get rid of it".   "I can move the door a little". 

"GET RID OF IT!!"Zak called out from the cabin.  Sarah took off her shirt and shoes and swam out with the rifle than she dived down as Aaron and Billy came out. "Where is she?".  "Still in the water there's a underwater cave that nobody can get to expect Sarah" the officer replied.  Sarah came up in the cave with the gun. She smashed the rifle against the rocks again and again until it was destroyed.  "Hey fun finding that rifle"she called out as Sarah dived in the water. 

As she swam it felt like something grabbed her.  She looked and saw this person holding on to both her legs forcing her down.  Sarah fought with the entity but she started to black out untill she felt a hand grabbed her as the entity was pulled into the cave.  When Sarah opened her eyes she was coughing up water.  "You all right?".  She looked up and saw Zak dripping wet.  She sat up and hugged Zak.  "Thanks Magan" she whispered as Zak snickered. 

The next day Sarah and the crew watched as they knocked down the cabin.  "What are you going to do with the land?".  "I don't know really right now I'm just thankful that cabin and whatever was in it is gone"she remarked looking at Zak.  "We should get going have fun with the rest of your vacation" Aaron replied.  Zak gave everyone hugs as they left. 

As the weeks went by Zak and Sarah got to know each other enough but Zak also found out Gracie was going to have puppies which surprised him considering the shelter told Zak she was spaded.  At Zak's cabin Zak and Sarah were in bed together catching their breath.  "Wow thank god you remember where you left off at the drive in" Sarah stated. 

"You rode me like a buking bronco" he replied.  He got up and looked at his back in the mirror. "And I need to declaw you the guys are going to be wondering why I've got scratches on my back" he replied as Sarah chuckled.  "Ready for round three?" she asked.  "Before we do that you know I'm going back to Las Vegas once Gracie has her puppies" he remarked. 

"I know but untill my mom's strong enough to run this place on her own I have to stay here which sucks" as tears started to fall down her face.  "Why don't you move down to Las Vegas and bring Spirit with you once your mom gets on her feet". 

"Zak I don't know how long that will be maybe a couple of months or a year but it was fun being with you"she replied.  Zak was about to get back into bed when they heard Spirit barking. They both went downstairs to see Gracie had three puppies and cleaning another one off.  Zak looked so happy but Sarah felt sad knowing Zak was going to leaving from this place and her life.  While Zak was with Gracie Sarah went upstairs to get dressed as Spirit came up and put his head between her legs. 

"I know sweetie you're going to miss the mother of your puppies and I'm going to miss her master.  I really do love him but I'm just not sure if he's ready for that considering he may come back from one of his investigation a changed man and that man I love may not come back.  I can't tell him this because if I do I feel like he's going to give up what he loves to do"she remarked as tears rolled down her face.  Around the corner Zak had heard everything she said and knew everything she said was true so he took a breath and went downstairs.

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