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That night a thunderstorm rolled in. As the thunder rumbled Zak was having a nightmare as he tossed and turned. "No leave me alone you can't have me" he said in his sleep. You're mine Zakary you can't defeat me a voice could be heard inside the cabin. Zak opened his eyes, and something threw Zak against the wall with such force to knock him out.  Gracie came running up the stairs as she started to bark at something.

After a few minutes Gracie stopped barking and laid next to her unconscious master. The next morning Sarah was making breakfast as Spirit started to scratch at the door. She walked over to see Gracie at the door. "Gracie what are you doing here where's Zak?". Spirit went over to the kitchen and went under the sink to retrieve the first aid kit.

Sarah opened the door and ran with the dogs. She got to Zak's cabin to see the door was still locked but a window was open enough for Gracie to get out.  Sarah went to the window to see Zak on the floor still out cold. "ZAK!" she called out as she climbed through the window.  As Sarah checked on Zak both dogs came in and Spirit dropped the first aid kit. She opened it and got the smelling salt.

She broke it and put it under Zak's nose. "No, you can't have me" as he swung his arms around. She grabbed his arms "Zak relax it's me Sarah," as Zak looked around confused. "What happened?". Zak didn't know what to say as he touched the back of his head when he looked at his hand there was blood on it. "I'm calling the doctor Zak to look at you" as she dialed the phone.

As the doctor looked at Zak Sarah fed Gracie and Spirit than let them out to play as she made Zak some eggs and toast. The doctor came down as he threw away some stuff. "How is he?".  "I think he may have a concussion and I put three stitches in that laceration in his head. I want you to stay close to him today just incase he passes out"the doctor stated. "Thanks doc" and he left. Up in the bedroom Zak was laying in bed as he tried to figure out what happened.

"I brought you up some breakfast" Sarah said with a tray.  "Thanks" as Zak sat up. "Zak I know you wanted some time to yourself but, doc doesn't want you alone so I'm going to stay with you"she remarked.  Zak understood considering the way his head was throbbing he was afraid he'd passed out with out anyone to help him. "How did you know?" Zak inquired weirdly.

"How did I know something was wrong Gracie came to the cabin and Spirit started to scratch at the door which he never does. Then he went under the sink and got the first aid kit that I keep under there so I knew something was wrong with you". "How did you get in the door was locked" he inquired. "It seems Gracie got a window open enough for her to get out than I got in through there"she replied.

"What the doc say about aspirin my head is throbbing" Zak inquired. "I'll get you one just relax Zak" and she went downstairs. While she got the aspirin Zak's phone started to ring. "Hello Zak's phone" she said. "Who's this". "Sorry I'm Sarah Zak left his phone downstairs-Aaron it said". "Is Zak in the shower?". "No he's upstairs in bed something happened to him last night and he was knock out" Sarah replied. "Can I talk to Zak?". "Sure just keep it short" and came upstairs with the aspirin and his phone.

"Here you go and your phone rang downstairs I answered it some guy name Aaron is on the other line," giving him the phone. "I'll go check on the dogs and hope they haven't found a skunk" and left. "Hey Aaron". "What the hell happened dude?". "I don't know what it is I was just sleeping and I started to have this nightmare of being surrounded by all these shadow figures and this demon was telling me I was his that nobody could defeat him. When I opened my eyes I was thrown right out of bed than everything went black" he replied.

Did you bring an attachment with you". "No if I did they've never thrown me with such force I ended up with stitches in my head and a concussion" Zak replied. "Are you near any houses that are demonized or haunted?". "Aaron my head is pounding at this moment I can't think straight right now" Zak stated. "All right when you feel better give me a call". Zak shut off his phone and let it fall to the ground as he closed his eyes.

GRACIE THE MATCH MAKERWhere stories live. Discover now