Year 4 - 11

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Once Cassiopeia and Draco got there, they saw that there was the Goblet in the middle and around it was a ring of mist around knee-height. It was the age-line that Professor Dumbledore had drawn. There were some students putting their names in and quite a few students watching from the benches placed at the side. Cassiopeia's sights went to a bunch of Ravenclaw's and was pleased to see her cousin there.

"I'm going to go and see Bridgit, want to come?" She asked.

"It's alright, I'll sit with Blaise. I wouldn't want to scare them off." He replied with a laugh. Cassiopeia laughed and nodded. He placed a kiss against her head and walked off to their friends in the hall. Cassiopeia walked behind Bridgit and covered her eyes.

"Guess who." Cassiopeia sang.

"Is it that annoying cousin of mine?" She replied sarcastically.

"Wow. Nice to know I'm loved." Cassiopeia replied. "Maybe I should go and sit with Jessica, she seems nice." Cassiopeia started walking towards the other Ravenclaw first year when she suddenly felt someone jump on her back. She laughed as she put Bridgit comfortably on her back.

"You are loved." Bridgit replied, holding on to Cassiopeia. Cassiopeia spun around a little, making Bridgit laugh.

"Hi, girls." Cassiopeia greeted Bridgit's room mates, but then she noticed two boys she hadn't seen before with the group. "And who are you two?" She asked.

"I'm Joshua Kerr." One shyly introduced.

"And I'm David Callahan." The other one introduced.

"Well, I'm Cassiopeia Reid. Bridgit's cousin." Cassiopeia introduced.

"I thought Slytherin's are supposed to be mean?" Joshua said.

"Josh!" Bridgit scolded from Cassiopeia's shoulder.

"It's alright, cugina." Cassiopeia said. "And to answer that, it depends what Slytherin's I guess. Although being in Slytherin has taught me that everyone in that house looks out for each other. Because we're seen as the evil house, we are generally targeted. Therefore, we feel the need to look out for each other more than other houses might need to."

"Sorry." Joshua replied.

"That's alright. We get it. The whole house do, it's something that's gone on for centuries." Cassiopeia replied. She then turned to her cousin. "Speaking of Slytherin's. Want to go scare Draco?"

"Yeah." Bridgit replied with a smirk.

"I'll bring her back in a second." Cassiopeia said to the Ravenclaws, they nodded and watched as the pair went off. Cassiopeia let Bridgit down and held her in her arms instead, they snuck behind Draco and Cassiopeia got ready to help Bridgit jump onto Draco. She mouthed to Bridgit 'three, two one', and then Bridgit jumped onto Draco from behind. Draco jumped and he fell to the floor, but Cassiopeia held Bridgit to keep her from falling. A lot of people in the hall laughed, especially the Golden trio and Gryffindors in the room. Cassiopeia and Bridgit kneeled on the bench and looked at him.

"How's the weather down there?" Cassiopeia asked, whlle Bridgit laughed.

"It's quite lovely." Draco replied, he then made it look like he was using the bench to climb up, but instead he grabbed Cassiopeia's hand and brought her to the floor with him. He laughed, as did everyone else again. The couple then looked to each other with a smirk.

"Oh god." Theodore said.

"What?" Bridgit asked.

"They have 'the look'." Theodore told her.

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