Year 3 - 17

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"Welcome, my children. In this room you shall explore the noble art of Divination." Professor Trelawny said to the class. "In this room, you shall discover if you possess the sight!" She said dramatically, but then as she walked forward she walked onto a table. Many sniggered in the classroom. "I am Professor Trelawny. Together we shall cast ourselves into the future!" She said, ending with her hands in the air. She looked to the students. "This term we shall be focusing on the art of reading of tea leaves. So please, take the cup of the person sitting opposite you. You see, truth lies buried, like a sentence deep within a book waiting to be read. But first you must broaden your minds!" She said, shaking Seamus Finnigan's head. "First you must look beyond!" She said dramatically, moving her arms and everyone followed her line of sight.

"What a load of old rubbish." Cassiopeia commented from opposite Amelia, making Amelia jump- along with Blaise, Crabbe and Goyle.

"When did you get here?" Blaise asked Cassiopeia in shock.

"Me? I've been here the whole time." Cassiopeia defended, putting the time-turner under her jumper.

"You, boy, is your grandmother quite well?" Professor Trelawny asked Neville.

"I-I think so." He replied.

"I wouldn't be so sure of that. Give me the cup." She took the cup and looked at it. She made a noise of pity and put the cup on the table, leaving Neville to look at the cup in worry. "Broaden your minds!" She said walking around the room. Amelia and Cassiopeia swapped tea cups and examined the shapes of the leaves. Cassiopeia looked at the tea leaves, but then felt something strange. She looked to the cup, but she could just see a mash of leaves. The room was stuffy and filled with the strong and overwhelming smell of perfume.

"Cass?" Amelia asked, Cassiopeia looked up to her. She saw the Professor walking over, but Cassiopeia just looked to Amelia, and she felt something strange. Amelia watched as her friend's eyes clouded over and her voice turned deeper:

"After the horrors of last year, a weight will be lifted.

But in the end alliances will be shifted.

Secrets will be revealed, yet only to those trouble has always followed.

But truth will mean nothing, and the lies will be swallowed.

A year of worry will have been for nought.

But the web of lies will leave the people involved distraught."

Cassiopeia then came back to attention and coughed. Amelia looked to her friend in shock, as did everyone else in the room.

"Well, everyone I would like to inform you that you just heard a real prediction." Professor Trelawny told everyone, they looked to Cassiopeia in shock, Cassiopeia looked to Amelia.

"Why is everyone staring at me?" She asked.

"My dear, you just delivered a true prediction." Professor Trelawny said to the confused girl.

"Did I?" She asked. The group nodded. "Oh, what did I say?" Amelia then recited it back to her. Cassiopeia then shrugged.

"Everyone, back to the tea leaves." The Professor ordered, but she stayed by Cassiopeia. "What does her cup say, my dear?" She asked Amelia.

"Well, she's got this strange altogether shape, rather than many different messages." Amelia said, looking at the cup- but in confusion. "I'm not sure what it's meant to be."

"That's the same with Harry's." Ron said from the next-door table.

"Hand me the cups." Professor Trelawny said, putting both her hands out. They each handed her the cup. She shrieked and threw the cups to the table, backing away. Everyone attention was back on Cassiopeia, but also Harry. "My dears, you both have the Grim."

"The grin, what's the grin?" Seamus asked.

"Not the grin, the grim." Another voice said back. Professor Trelawny continued to back away in fear.

"The Grim, taking form of a giant spectral dog. It's among the darkest omens in our world, it's an omen of death." One of the students read from the book. Cassiopeia and Harry looked down into their cups, and see some sort of dog. Harry looked at the cup in horror and recognition, while Cassiopeia looked in recognition. She had seen a dog like this before. She saw a large black stray dog while she was at the park with Lyra, and she remembered clearly because Lyra had asked to get some food from their house for it. But Cassiopeia thought otherwise because of its growling towards her.

"Time to move on to your next lessons, everyone." Professor Trelawny said, with that everyone began to put their things away and started to move towards their next lessons.


I'm not an artist or graphic designer or anything, but I made a gif for the prophecy:

I'm not an artist or graphic designer or anything, but I made a gif for the prophecy:

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