Year 4 - 37

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As the trio got to the Headmaster's office, the pair of students were told to sit in a pair of chairs in front of his desk. The pair did as asked and watched as the Headmaster sat behind his own desk. Just before he could speak, one of the paintings asked for his attention.

"Albus, Mr Reid is still demanding his daughter to be brought to the hospital wing. He's been there since the task, and he's worried sick. Madame Pomfrey can only delay him for so long." The painting told the headmaster.

"Tell him that I'm just speaking with the pair about what happened tonight, and she'll be right down." The Headmaster replied. The painting nodded before disappearing from the frame. Professor Dumbledore then turned to the students and asked what had occurred since they went into the maze. The stories were boring as they described their times in the maze, it was when it came to the moment the three held the cup when the Headmaster leant forwards on his chair. Cassiopeia let Harry describe what happened, while she leant back into the chair- she frankly was exhausted. Whether it was because of what Pettigrew did to her during the ritual or from the night as a whole, she didn't know. All she knew for sure was that she wanted sleep. Harry was going through, trying to get as much detail in as he went, but he too was exhausted. After talking through everything, there was a moment of silence as the Headmaster thought of what to ask first.

"You said that Voldemort said someone was looking after his daughter. Was there anything else mentioned about the whereabouts or who it is?" The Headmaster asked. Harry shook his head.

"No, only the comment about her existing." Harry replied. The Headmaster nodded. Harry then realised something that he'd forgotten to mention. "Professor, when we were there, there was a moment when Voldemort's wand and ours sort of connected."

"Priori Incantatem. You saw your parents that night, didn't you? They reappeared." The Headmaster asked. Harry nodded. Professor Dumbledore looked to Cassiopeia, as if to ask her who she saw, but noticed the girl looked asleep. He turned back to Harry. "No spell can reawaken the dead, Harry. I trust you know that." Harry nodded. "Dark and difficult times lie ahead. Soon we must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy. But remember this, you have friends here. You're not alone. And another thing, you weren't alone in that graveyard tonight, you had someone with you. So, don't forget if you need anyone to talk with about what you went through, the answer is sleeping in the chair right next to you." At this moment Harry nodded with a small smile, looking over to the sleeping girl next to him. "We should get you to the hospital wing, wake her if you could."

"Cass?" Harry asked, shaking her shoulders a little. The girl opened her sapphire eyes and looked into Harry's emerald eyes.

"Hello, Harry." She replied sleepily.

"Before we go to the hospital wing, there's something I need to say to you both." Professor Dumbledore spoke. The pair looked to him. "I put you both in terrible danger this year, and I'm sorry. I should have fought against Barty and made sure you weren't to compete. But I didn't, and for that you had to face things that no fourteen-year-old should. And for that I'm sorry."

"It's okay, Professor." Cassiopeia replied, a small smile being sent his way. The Headmaster sent her a smile back and then stood from his seat.

"We should get you checked out by Madame Pomfrey." He told the two. They nodded and stood from their chairs themselves. Together the trio walked to the hospital wing. When they got their, they were immediately approached by Madame Pomfrey. She turned to the Headmaster.

"They should have been brought straight to me, Albus." She scolded.

"I'm sorry, Poppy. But I had to speak with them." He replied. She nodded and then ushered the pair over to some beds. Besides one was William, who immediately brought Cassiopeia into a hug.

"I'm sorry, Mr Reid. But I need to treat her injuries." The healer told him. He nodded and pulled away, before Madame Pomfrey started healing Cassiopeia's wounds straight away. She started with using magic to pull any glass from her skin, and then she focused on the head wound. After Madame Pomfrey was happy, she gave Cassiopeia some pjs to change into and then moved to work on Harry. Cassiopeia changed behind a screen and then climbed into the bed. Once Madame Pomfrey was done with Harry, she told him that people were coming to see him, but she kicked them out and they would be coming soon and then gave him some pjs to change into. He did and then climbed back into bed just in time for Madame Pomfrey to walk back with two potions. "It's a sleeping draught, you both need rest and you need it now. It will give you a dreamless sleep."

"Thanks." They both muttered in response, taking the potion each from her outstretched hand. Cassiopeia then looked across the room to see the real Professor Moody lying in a bed across the way, sleeping.

"Is he going to be okay?" Cassiopeia asked the healer. Madame Pomfrey followed Cassiopeia's nod of the head to see who she was talking about. Madame Pomfrey nodded.

"He'll be fine. He's just tired and hungry. Now, drink your potions. Half should do it." She told the pair. They nodded and went to take their potions. Cassiopeia looked to William to see him deliver her a smile before she drank half of her potion. As she did, she instantly felt the effects. William helped her lay down in the bed and he brought up the covers, so she was comfy. He leant over and placed a kiss on her head, and that's when she fell completely into a dreamless sleep.


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