Chapter Twenty-Four: Hallie

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Weeks passed since Hallie and Harry had come across the Mirror of Erised and almost every night, Hallie woke up in a cold sweat from dreaming about the deaths of her parents. It was getting to the point that she was going to need to see her mind healer. Shaking her head, she opened the card that she was writing in. Tomorrow was Valentine's Day and she was filling out a card for about nineteen people. She had already order enough chocolate frogs for everyone and was on the last card. It was for Seamus and she was having a hard time figuring out what to write for him. Maybe it was because everyone already thought that they were dating but she believed it was because she has a small crush on him.

"Hey Hals, what are you working on?" Hallie jumped and shut the card quickly, only to realize that the voice that she heard was from Hermione. "I'm sorry, Hals. But really, what are you doing? I know it's not homework."

Hallie sighed and opened up the card. "It's the Valentine's Day card for Seamus and I have no idea what to write! I've already finished everyone's card; I even made a card for each of the members of the Quidditch team. But... I can't put down anything down for his... I just don't know how to word the message."

"You do realize that both Prim and I know that you have a crush on him. So, maybe speak from your heart. He probably likes you as well... Prim believes he does with the amount of staring he does towards you." Hermione tells her with a roll of her eyes.

She looks up from the card and shakes her head. "No, he doesn't."

"Hals, he gave you that necklace. He must like you."

"No... I'll just write something like I did for Ron... or Ryder." Hallie says as she writes a quick 'Happy Valentine's Day, Seamus! Here's a Chocolate Frog! ~ Hallie'.

Hermione groans and shakes her head. "Hals, you're a Gryffindor, so I know you are braver than that. I wrote something pretty brave in Harry's card. I didn't tell him that I had a crush on him or anything but I told him how thankful I was for our friendship; and that he meant a lot to me."

Hallie looked down at the card before grabbing her wand to get rid of the words. "You're right, 'Mione. I'm a Gryffindor. I should be brave. Thanks for the advice." She stared at the paper and let the words form in her mind. 'Happy Valentine's Day, Seamus! I never thought that I could meet someone that could become such an important person in my life. I know we aren't as close as I am with Harry, Hermione, Prim, and Ron or as you are with Dean; but we have a special bond. So, thank you for being one of my closet friends. Here's a Chocolate Frog! ~ Hallie'. "How about that?"

Hermione quickly read over it and smiled. "It sounds perfect, Hals. Now come on. Harry needs you. Something about your mind healer being here."

"Why is she here?"

"I don't know... Maybe you forgot about an appointment or maybe Harry set one up?" Hermione said with a shrug and the two girls made their way towards the Headmaster's office. After they had walked the castle and up the moving staircase to Professor Dumbledore's office. "I'll see you at dinner, alright?" Hallie nodded her head before knocking on the Headmaster's door.

"Come on in, Miss Potter." Hallie hears Professor Dumbledore say before she pushes the door open. "Miss Potter, it has come to my attention that Harry and most likely you have been having nightmares about the death of your parents. So, I've called Mrs. Cross in and the three of you are going to go to a heavily protected unused classroom and have a session about this. Now, Mrs. Cross, do you remember the classroom that I showed you before I had sent for Mister and Miss Potter?"

Mrs. Cross smiles at her old Headmaster and says, "Of course, Professor Dumbledore. Kids, follow me. The classroom isn't too far away." Hallie nods her head and follows after her brother and their mind healer. Once they were safely in the secured classroom, Mrs. Cross conjures a chair for herself and two comfy chairs for Harry and Hallie. "Now, how long have these nightmares been going on? And why did I not get a letter from either one of you or your grandparents about this matter? Recurring nightmares like this can affect you a lot in your daily life."

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