Chapter Five: Hallie

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By the time the Dursley and Potter family got home that day, everyone was eerily quiet. Hallie knew something bad was probably going to happen to Harry and or her. They had already dropped off Piers and Kira at their homes and Hallie could tell that Prim was scared for them. As they pulled up into the driveway, Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia got out of the car. Aunt Petunia helps Dudley get out, and Hallie, Harry, and Prim step out as well.

Uncle Vernon grabs Harry by the arm and pulls him to the front door. Once everyone is inside, Aunt Petunia takes Dudley into the kitchen and Uncle Vernon grabs Hallie's arm as well. He pulls the two Potter twins into the sitting room and pushes them onto the loveseat. "What did I tell you?" Uncle Vernon screams at the two kids and he starts to pace. "I told you that nothing weird could happen today and that's exactly what ended up happening!"

"But Uncle Vernon, we don't know how that happened! One second the glass was there and the next second it wasn't. I swear there was no possible way for us to make the glass vanish!" Harry tells him and Hallie nods her head to agree with her brother.

"Boy, I know you did something! I just know it. Now, how to punish you two!" Uncle Vernon's eyes moves back and forth between the two kids before deciding, "I know! You two are going to be getting more chores for the next two weeks and you will be locked in the cupboard for a week whenever you aren't doing chores or helping Prim with her art project. And the only reason why I'm allowing you to keep doing that because we promised her that you can help."

Prim walks in and says, "Dad, you can't punish them for not doing anything!"

"Primrose, you do not tell me what I can and cannot do in my house! They are under my care, young lady! Now, go to you room!" Uncle Vernon screams at her and Hallie watches Prim runs out of the room with tears in her eyes. Hallie wanted to get up and run after her but she can't do so until Uncle Vernon allows them to go and do something, most likely chores. "Now, I want you to get started on cleaning up the attic. I would say go to the cupboard, but I want this done as soon as possible."

Hallie and Harry nod their heads and Hallie says, "Can we get started on the kitchen first? We told Aunt Petunia that we would sweep in there."

"No, because Dudley is in the kitchen with Petunia and I don't want him to have to look at the two of you. You've done enough today. Now go up to the attic. Go!" Uncle Vernon yells and Harry jumps up and pulls Hallie out of the room.

Hallie follows her brother up the stairs but made him stop in front of Prim's bedroom door. "Harry, we need to make sure she's okay. Uncle Vernon had never once yelled at her before and I'm sure you saw the tears running down her face as she ran out of the sitting room." Harry nods his head and she knocks on the door.

"Come in." Prim calls softly and Hallie opens the door.

"Prim, are you okay?" Hallie asks as the two Potter twins step inside Prim's room. When Hallie and Harry walk further into the room, Hallie sees Prim lying on her bed with her face in a pillow.

Prim raises her head up and answers, "I'm not really sure. My dad has never yelled at me before and I know things would only be worst if they were to find out what I've been doing."

"Do you want to stop helping us?" Harry questions as he goes to sit down on Prim's bed. She shakes her head and Harry nods. "Then what do you want to do? How can we help you out?"

Prim smiles at Harry before saying, "We wait until Reid's mum saves you and until then, I'll keep doing what I'm doing."

"Prim, are you sure?" Hallie asks and the other girl nods her head 'yes'. "Okay, well, Uncle Vernon is making us start on the attic tonight. Do you want to start your art project as well?" Prim smiles as she wipes her face and nods her head. "Great! Let's head up to the attic and get to work."

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