Chapter Ten: Prim

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An hour later, Papa was pulling in front of Mrs. Figg's house. They had already dropped of both Kira and Piers and now it was time to say goodbye to Reid. "Kids, you can go and ask Mrs. Figg if she minds letting you take home a kitten." The small group got out of the car and walked towards the front door. Gran knocked on the door and a minute or two later, Melanie opened the door.

"Hello, kids and Mr. and Mrs. Evens. How was the mall?" Melanie asked as she stepped aside to let everyone in. Prim stepped into Mrs. Figg's house and followed Reid to the sitting room. "Reid, honey, I need to talk to you about something. Your aunt is in the kitchen, do you mind meeting me in there?" Reid nods his head before making his way into the kitchen. "If you don't mind waiting, we will be right back." Harry and Hallie nod their heads before sitting down on the love seat.

Dudley sits down over in a chair before saying, "So, this is what Mrs. Figg's house looks like. It's not that bad but she does have a lot of cats." He says as small black and grey one rubs against his leg.

"Yeah. At first, Hallie and I couldn't stand being here but well... We got to know Mrs. Figg and we met Melanie and Reid and we got used to the cats being everywhere." Harry tells Dudley with a grin as a slightly brown looking cat hopped into his lap. "This cat's name is Butterscotch because of the colouring. The one that had rubbed against your leg is called Spotty. Hallie and I sometimes were able to help name them and I think Reid, Hallie, and I named him when we were I think we were five and four."

A few minutes later, Mrs. Figg, Melanie, and Reid walk back into the sitting room. They all sat down on the couch before Melanie said, "Harry and Hallie, there is something that we need to tell you." She takes a deep breath before she continues, "We haven't been completely honest with you guys. Mrs. Figg isn't really my aunt and she is a squib. That means that she was born into a wizarding family but turned out to not actually have any magic flowing through her veins. So, it's the opposite of being a muggle born. But the reason that we lied is because I was one of your parents' best friends when we were at Hogwarts. Yes, that story I told your aunt was actually about your parents. Lily hated your father when we first started Hogwarts but in the end, James won her over. I am your godmother; I was supposed to be the person who took you in if something were to happen to Lily and James. But I had just had Reid and Professor Dumbledore could put some type of protection around your aunt's house because of the dark lord was after the two of you. Now, I wanted to tell you but Professor Dumbledore told us that we could never see you again. Obviously, I didn't listen to him. So, I found Mrs. Figg and told her what I wanted to do; and she allowed us to tell everyone that she was my aunt so I could be closer to you two." She sighs and looks over at her son. "You know... You were supposed to have siblings. Your parents wanted to give you two a brother or sister and after they had died, Reid was going to be your little brother. His father and I were going to adopt you... It was what Lily and James would've wanted. There are so many things that I wish we could've changed for you two. But the one good thing about how things played out is that you got to know your cousins and we were able to find your grandparents. You have no idea how many times I tried to find Aiden and Rosalie, but Lily did a good job of hiding them."

"So, you are telling us that the story you told Aunt Petunia was about our parents?" Hallie asked with a grin on her face.

Melanie smiles before nodding her head. "Your parents were the best people I have ever known and I miss them every single day. But it helped that I was able to see the two of you. I don't know if anyone has ever told you, but Harry, you are the splitting image of your father, but with your mum's eyes and Hallie, you are the opposite. You have your mum's face and hair but your father's eyes."

"Do you have pictures of our parents?" Harry asked with excitement lacing his voice. Wow, I can't believe that Melanie and Reid had been able to keep this from Harry and Hallie for all these years! How could Reid call Mrs. Figg his aunt and not mess up in front of Harry and Hallie? Prim thinks as Melanie nods her head. "Do you think we could have some copies? Aunt Petunia doesn't have any pictures of them, especially of dad and only a few of mum when they were little girls."

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