Chapter Fifteen: Hallie

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Hallie was woken up the next morning at 6:15 to Cleo licking her face. "Good morning, Cleo. Are you hungry?" Cleo meowed and Hallie laughed. She moved Cleo's bed off of her trunk before digging for Cleo's food and bowls. Shutting the trunk, she moves Cleo's bed back and starts to fill her bowls.

"Morning Hals," Prim says as she does the exact same thing for Midnight.

"Morning Prim. Hand me Midnight's water bowl and I'll fill it. I really can't wait until we can learn a spell to give them water." Prim snorts but hands over the bowl before filling the other bowl with food. Hallie laughs and makes her way into the loo. Moments later, Hallie walks back in carefully with the water bowls.

Sitting them down, she once again moves Cleo's bed before grabbing her school uniform. "Prim, we didn't pack any ties, did we?" She asked as she pulled out a scarlet and gold-striped tie.

"We get them after we are sorted. Just like how our robes now have the Gryffindor crest on them." Hermione said as she walked into the dorm room already dressed. "Someone from the school leaves them for every new first year and Madam Malkin puts a spell on our robes to make the crest of whatever house we get sorted in appear."

Hallie stands up with her uniform and asks, "Where did you come from?"

"I was downstairs. I couldn't sleep last night and I woke up at six and changed before going downstairs to read over my books." Hermione blushed and shrugged her shoulders.

Hallie and Prim change into their uniforms and robes. As they were changing, Cleo and Midnight went over to the boy's dorm to wake up Harry and Ron. All three girls were going through their trunks when Cleo and Midnight walked back into the room. Cleo purred and rubbed herself against Hallie's leg before jumping onto Hallie's bed. "Let's head downstairs to the common room. Harry and Ron should be getting ready now."

They walked down to the common room and didn't have to wait longer than five minutes for the two guys to walk down. "How did we get ties?" Harry asked as he looked down at his new tie.

"And how did our house crest end up on our robes?" Ron asked in bewilderment.

Hermione rolls her eyes but she explains everything as the group of five walk out of the common room. "Good morning, Elspeth. I hope you have a pleasant day. We told everyone that we all should be respectful towards you." Hallie smiles at her as they walk out.

"Thank you dear. I do believe I forgot to ask for your names." Elspeth says to the group.

Prim smiles at her before she does a roll call for her. "I'm Prim Dursley, these are my cousins – Harry and Hallie Potter, and our friends – Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley."

Elspeth smiles at all of them before telling them to have a nice day. The group walks towards the Great Hall with smiles on their face as they talked about what could happened today. Harry and Ron were talking about what teachers will be strict and Hallie was talking to Prim and Hermione about their classes. They walked into the Great Hall and over to their house table. Hallie sits down and Prim and Hermione sit on both sides of her while Harry sits in front of her and Ron to his right. "I guess we came here a tad bit too early," Hallie said with a blush and a shrug. Harry rolls his eyes and just like that food appears on the table. "Or maybe not." Prim snorts but starts to fill her plate. Hallie grabs some bacon off of a plate and takes a bite out of it.

The group starts to eat and Hallie watches the doors to the Great Hall and sees the rest of the Gryffindor first years walk into the room and over to where the group of five was sitting. "Good morning, Hallie," Seamus says with a smile as he sits next to Harry.

"Morning Seamus. Cleo or Midnight didn't bother you guys this morning when Prim and I sent them to wake up Harry and Ron." She smiled at him as Professor McGonagall was walking up the right side of the Gryffindor's table. She made it to the group of first years and started to pass out their schedules.

Harry and Hallie Potter and the Philosopher's StoneOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz