Chapter Seventeen: Prim

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After dinner on Friday night, the group of five move their wary bodies up to the Gryffindor common room to try and finish their Defence Against the Dark Arts essay. Prim knew that they really needed to try to finish the rest of their homework but she thought that there would be no way for them to do so. After last night – where they have stayed up the latest so far – she knew they would be taking a risk with making their essays sound like total crap. Once they made it in front of Elspeth's painting, they give her a quick hello before saying the password. After the portrait swings open, the group walks in with other Gryffindors from various years following them. "Okay, we'll meet in about three or so minutes at the table in the corner." Hallie says with a nod to the boys before they make their way up and towards their dorm rooms.

Lavender and Parvati were already in their room, sitting on Lavender's bed, talking about muggle fashion. "Hey Hallie, you probably know a lot about muggle fashion."

Hallie blushes and Prim shares a secret smile with her cousin. "Um, well, kind of... I mean, Prim knows a lot more than I do but well, since we are pretty close in size, we normally shared clothing." Prim realizes that Hallie does not tell them the real reason for them sharing clothes and she hoped Hallie never would. It's not so much that she is embarrassed that they had shared clothing but more of the fact that her dad decided it would be better to give Hallie and Harry the old clothing that Dudley and she did not want anymore.

"Oh, okay... Prim, what's the biggest thing in muggle fashion at the moment? Parvati and I are not sure." Lavender says with a sweet smile towards Prim.

Prim shoots a glare over at her cousin (which she was thankful that neither Lavender nor Parvati saw) before walking over to her trunk where her school bag rested. "Well, there are many things that are big this year. Velvet, chunky boots, aviator jackets, et cetera, but none of that is my style." She grabs her homework and supplies before looking up. "Anyways, we really need to get down to the common room. Harry and Ron are probably already sitting there waiting for us to work on our defence essay. We'll probably won't see you two until the morning, so night." Lavender, Parvati, and Ella say goodnight and the other three girls out of the six that bunk in the room make their way out of the dorm room and down to the common room. As soon as Prim steps off the last step, she sees Harry and Ron sitting at the table in the corner. She makes her way over to the boys and Hallie and Hermione follow. "Please tell me that you two have a good portion of your essay finish. I don't want to be up close to midnight again. My body won't be able to handle it."

"I have at least half of my essay finish, Prim." Harry tells her with a smirk as he pulls Hermione down to sit in the chair beside him. "Hermione, do you mind reading over my essay after I finish it?"

Hermione beams at him before nodding her head 'yes'. The two of them get to work on their essays and Prim looks over at Ron. "And what about you?"

Ron gulps before looking back and forth between Prim and Hallie. "Um... I was having a problem with a paragraph and can't figure out how to get past it... So, I might be close to halfway." Prim groans before falling into a chair. "I'm sorry, Prim. But I really have been working on it, I swear." She nods her head before pulling out her own essay.

"I can help, Ron. I've only have the conclusion left." Hallie gives him a soft smile before walking over to sit in the chair next to him. Prim watches her cousin start to read over what he has so far before she starts to work on her own essay.

An hour had gone by and Prim was finally on the conclusion for her essay. Once she was finally done, she looks up to see what everyone else was doing. Harry was still working on his essay but it looked like he was on the conclusion; Hermione had her History of Magic textbook out and was reading the pages Professor Bins had assigned them; Hallie's essay was laying open on the table and she was helping Ron with his essay again. Sighing, she pulls out her History of Magic textbook, so she could read about the Gargoyle Strike of 1911. Without realizing it, she had fallen asleep reading; and the only way she knew this was because Hallie was shaking her awake. "Hey Prim, come on. We're heading up to bed." Prim nods her head before she packs up her bag. "Night boys, see you tomorrow."

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