Chapter Nine: Prim

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Prim and Kira were trailing behind the Evans-Dursley-Potter family and friends as they walked through the crowded mall. "So, not only are you moving two towns over, we are now not going to be at the same boarding school! I can't believe this... I'm losing my best friend!"

"I know, Kira, and I understand but this other school is going to be amazing and my mum is actually letting me go. It has a big art program and I'm still going to be able to be with Harry and Hallie. When I applied to it, I never thought that I would get in and be able to go, but I did! And I'm really going to miss you this upcoming school year but I will be able to come and see you during the holidays. My grandparents have already told Dudley and me that if we want to come see any of our friends, they will drive us. Though the bad thing about my new school is how anti-electronics it is. Like, we will have computers for study use but we can't use them for personal use." Prim makes up. I really hate how I have to lie about Hogwarts and magic, but this is the new reality that I'm faced with. I just hope that she will never find out that I lied to her, she thinks as they continue to walk.

Kira looked over at her before asking, "How do you contact the outside world if you are not allowed to use the computers? And how did Harry and Hallie get accepted?"

"Oh, we write letters to our family and friends; but they want us to try and make friends at the school, so they really don't like for us to get mail from people other than family. So, if you are wanting to write me during the school year, just send it to my grandparents' house. They will make sure to send it with their letters. And well, I secretly sent in applications for them." Prim tells Kira with a shrug.

"This school sounds kind of like a prison. But I'm sure you will have a lot of fun if it deals heavily with art." The two girls smile at each other. "I still can't believe you never told me that your parents were abusing Harry and Hallie. Why didn't you?"

Prim looked anywhere but her best friend before saying, "Well, it was embarrassing to tell people that your parents are actually bad people. Harry and Hallie decided to tell Reid's mum because she could actually do something about it."

"Well, are you okay? Are you and Dudley doing okay?" Kira asked with concern lacing her voice.

She shrugged before saying, "We are doing okay, I guess. Our mum wants to be able to be in our life again and she never really was too bad on Harry and Hallie; but our dad has basically disowned us. Dudley and I should definitely disown our father because he is a horrible man. He did try to hit me when I told him that I wasn't sorry but Dudley caught the blow. Dudley and I actually talked about how we don't want to have the same relationship that our mum had with her sister."

"You got to be kidding me! Your dad actually tried to hit you! I seriously disliked him when you told me about what he did to your cousins but I hate him now since he tried to hit you. You are like a sister to me, Prim." Kira stopped walking and pulled Prim into a hug. Once they stopped hugging, Kira continued talking. "Did you know that my dad is planning on transferring to a new company?" Prim looked over at her best friend before shaking her head 'no'. "Yeah, but it might not happen just yet and I would have to move. That's why my dad and mum are going to wait for at least a year. I hope he decides to stay because I don't want to move now that you had moved two towns over."

Prim looked over at her best friend as they walk into the first store. "What if you move closer to my grandparents?" Kira shrugged and they moved closer to Hallie. "Okay, let's help my cousin find some new clothes." Prim pulled her best friend and cousin over to a section of clothing. "Hallie, what would you like to wear? Now that we don't have to share clothes anymore, you can get basically anything!"

Hallie smiles and shrug her shoulders. "I'm not really sure what I would like to wear. I've always just worn what you had and I could never really complain. Also, the stuff you gave me still fits. It's mainly Harry who needs a whole new wardrobe, not me."

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