Chapter Sixteen: Hallie

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After Harry is finally able to get Ron to stop complaining about going to the library for a couple of hours to do their homework, Hallie is walking with her cousin and Hermione up to their dorm room. "What exactly did he expect us to do this year? I mean, it's not like we would have really done much of anything in the common room for hours before dinner! So, why not spend that time doing our homework, so that we could actually have free time later this week!" Hermione grumbles as she dumps her bag onto her bed. Both Hallie and Prim shrug their shoulders as they pick up Cleo and Midnight.

"I'm not sure, Hermione. Ron is probably just not used to having to do all the studying like we have since we were kids. He didn't go to muggle schools. If what Reid has told us is true, then Ron's mum home schooled him and all of his brothers." Hallie says as she sits on her bed with Cleo purring loudly.

Hermione rolls her eyes before sitting down on the floor in between the Hallie and Prim's beds. "I guess that's true but still! Did their mum not give them homework or something?"

Prim lets out a laugh before shaking her head at Hermione. "I'm sure Mrs Weasley gave them homework but it was probably nothing like what our muggle teachers would give." Hermione shakes her head as Cleo jumps down from Hallie's lap and over to Hermione's.

"Hello pretty kitty." Hermione smiles at Cleo and starts to scratch under Cleo's ears. "Are the two of you going to try to sneak Cleo and Midnight into the library later?"

Hallie shrugs her shoulders before looking over at her cousin. "I'm not sure. Maybe, but only because I haven't seen Cleo at all today and you kind of just stole her away from me." Hermione shakes her head but doesn't move to give Cleo back. "So not fair! Prim, let me see Midnight!"

"No, she's mine!" Prim tells her with a laugh and both girls stick their tongues out at each other. "Okay, we should really get going. Midnight, do you want to come to the library with us?" Prim asks her familiar and she jumps into Prim's bag.

"What about you, Cleo? Do you want to meet our new friend, Lisa?" Cleo purrs loudly before jumping out of Hermione's lap and into Hallie's waiting arms. Hallie puts Cleo in her bag and makes sure she is comfortable before grabbing a few of the books about familiars for Lisa. "Okay, let's head downstairs." The group of three walks down the staircase and run into Harry and Ron. "Hey, guys, are you ready to do some essays?" Harry rolls his eyes at his twin and Hallie sticks her tongue out at him.

Ron groans before he shoulders his bag and follows the family of three and Hermione. "Oh, seriously Ron! Doing homework won't kill you!" Prim says as she brushes her long strawberry blonde hair off her shoulders. "I mean, didn't you do homework when your mum home schooled you?"

"Well, yeah, of course, but my mum didn't give us multiple assignments every night." Ron tells the group with a shrug of his shoulders and Prim and Hermione shake their heads. The group walks out of the Gryffindor common room and down from the seventh floor to third floor where the library was at. "Wait, how do you guys know where the library is?"

Hermione laughs before she says, "It's called reading books, Ron. Hogwarts, A History has a map and explains where everything but each house's common rooms are at. That's the only thing that is a secret here. You are not allowed to know where exactly each common room are at. Like students know that both Gryffindor and Ravenclaw's has towers, the Slytherins are somewhere in the dungeons, and the Hufflepuffs are in the basement but no one knows where the entrance to the common rooms are but the students to each house. That's why we can lose house points if we were to tell another student not in our house where our common room is. It's a big part of why the houses don't normally interact outside of classes."

Ron just stops and stares at Hermione and falls back behind the group. He runs to catch up to them as Hallie walks into the library. "We never talked about a place to meet up with Lisa, did we?"

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