Chapter Four: Harry

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Harry was pleasantly surprised by the fact that everyone seemed to be having a good time together. Maybe it was because of the monkeys. Or maybe everyone was trying to be on their best behaviours. It was probably just because of the monkeys, if he wanted to be honest with himself. "Wow, do they normally do this?" Harry asked Prim.

"No, they rarely do something like this but it really is quite amazing!" Prim says as she continues to watch the monkeys do their tricks. There were so many types of monkeys in this habitat; there were the spider, Saki, and Bolivian squirrel monkeys, red handed and golden-headed lion tamarins, and the Geoffroy marmosets.

Harry looked back behind him where Aunt Petunia, Uncle Vernon, and Melanie were standing, talking. He could tell that his aunt and uncle were trying to act like they have never said one bad thing about Melanie and Harry sighed. Melanie was a great mum, even if she was unmarried! She was supposed to get married at some point after Reid was born but something had happened between her and her fiancé.

"Harry, this is so cool!" Reid yells and walks closer to the rails. Harry smiles at the younger boy before stepping up right beside him. He wanted to keep Dudley away from Reid because he couldn't stand if Reid became another victim in Dudley's bullying games. He was also going to miss him next year when he starts his new boarding school. It seemed like everyone was about to start boarding school either this upcoming school year or the next, while he and Hallie stayed at the Dursley's household, miserable.

Harry, Hallie, Reid, Prim, and Kira walked around the rest of the Amazu section. They saw Indian runner ducks, capybaras, military macaws, Ecuadorian red lored amazon birds, some giant wood rails, agoutis, and some three banded armadillos. "Wow, there are so many cool animals here!" Harry says with a smile are they watch the ducks run and the others nod their heads to agree with him.

"Okay kids, I think this is enough of this habitat," Uncle Vernon says as he opens up the zoo's map. "How about a tad bit of the lemurs over in the Wanyama village and reserve?" Harry and the other kids nodded their heads and they made their way to where the lemurs lived.

They didn't have to walk far and when Harry saw that they were getting closer, he smiled. When they got to the railing, Reid looked over and read off the nametag. "Alaotran Gentle Lemur. This Critically Endangered species is a native of Madagascar and is the only species of primate to live exclusively in wetlands around Lake Alaotra. They live in social groups with an average of three to five individuals and feed on papyrus leaves." Reid looks between Harry and Hallie before saying, "That is truly awful; how can there be people out there who will put these lemurs' life on the verge of extension."

Harry looks at his young friend before saying, "It truly is an awful thing that there are people out there that would kill off these animals." He continues to watch the lemurs. Two of them are running around playing a game that looked very similar to tag. "I've always wondered what animals are thinking about while we are standing on the other side of the rail. They must not really think of us because if they did they would be watching us as well."

Reid looks over at him and he sighs. "What I mean is that they must not really be threatened by us like others of their kind are. They get to be in a nice habitat where they are safe from being killed."

"I guess so; I've just never really thought of it that way before." Reid tells him before they hear Hallie, Prim and Kira walk up towards them.

"What are you two talking about?" Hallie asks as she bumps into her brother's shoulder.

Harry rolls his eyes but tells her anyways because he has never been able to keep a secret away from his sister. "We were just talking about how sad it is that there are actually people out there that would kill these lemurs."

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