Chapter Twenty: Harry

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The days following the troll incident were a lot colder for Harry and it was not only because the weather had turned cooler that weekend. Hallie was barely speaking to him and whenever she did, she was normally angry at him. He knew it was because of what happened on Halloween but what else could he have done? He wasn't even completely there that day. During all of their classes on Halloween, he had to force himself to pay attention in class. After Prim had told Ron and him off, he finally realized what had happened. He was angry with Ron for what he had said and basically told Ron that if he still wanted to be friends than Ron needed to find a way to be okay with Hermione. Ron of course felt really bad for being the reason that all three girls almost died and Harry was glad that Ron was putting more of an effort into being friendly with Hermione.

Hallie wasn't the only one not really speaking to him. Prim and Hermione barely spoke to him or Ron. Well, Hermione would talk with Harry and Ron whenever Hallie and Prim were not around but would withdraw when his sister and cousin would walk into the room. Harry couldn't stand it and it was starting to affect his Quidditch skills which Wood had caught onto. Their first match was this upcoming Saturday and Harry knew that if he didn't find a way to make up with his friends than he could kiss the match goodbye. That Wednesday, after a horrible practice, Harry was trudging up the steps to the seventh-floor corridor when he heard Wood call his name. "Harry, come with me. We need to find your sister, cousin, and Hermione."

"Why?" Harry asked as he rubbed his numb hands together.

Wood looked over at him before answering, "We need to find a way for you five to get along. So, I guess we should also find the youngest Weasley as well. Come on now, Harry! This is a matter of win or lose!" Harry rolled his eyes but followed Oliver anyways. Minutes into walking into the common room, Harry found his sister, cousin, and Hermione sitting at a table doing homework. He was pretty sure that they were working on Professor Flitwick's essay on the history of the levitation charm and he also knew that he himself needed to start on the essay. Oliver must have also noticed the three girls because he looked around for Ron. Once Wood had found the youngest Weasley, he stalked over to where Ron was playing a game with Seamus. "Youngest Weasley, come with me." Ron looked up from his game and over at Harry and Oliver.

"Um, why?" Ron asked.

Oliver groaned but answer Ron's question anyways. "You and Harry need to make up with the girls." Wood pulled Ron out of his chair before pulling Harry and Ron over to the three girls. "Potter, Dursley, and Granger. We need to speak. Harry is rubbish at Quidditch because he's thinking about finding a way for you to forgive him. I don't know why you three are mad at him nor do I care for the reason; but we have to win this upcoming Saturday but we can't do that if Harry hasn't made up with the three of you. Now, what are your demands?"

"Our demands?" Hallie asked with a snort.

Harry watched as Wood ran his hand down his face before answering, "What do the boys have to do, so that you will forgive them?"

"Oh, well for one, I want Harry to agree that we need to see a mind healer and for Ron, um... I don't know... Try not to complain when we want to do homework." Hallie said as she looked over her essay.

Prim looked up with a smirk and said, "I second that for Ron. And for Harry, I don't know... Apologize. That's what I want and Ron should also apologize to us. I want an apology because if it wasn't for the two of you, we wouldn't have been in the bathroom that night the troll was able to get into Hogwarts."

Harry turned towards Hermione. So far, he could do both of what Hallie and Prim wanted and he needed to know what Hermione wanted from him. "I don't need anything from them. Both Harry and Ron have already apologized to me and I've been talking to them for days now."

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