~ VI ~

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"Well. I have a feeling that Taehyung likes me too." Y/n responds.

"Is that so?" Rosé raises her brow.

"Are you sure Taehyung likes you?" Jungkook rubs his nape, waiting for a response.

"I mean, It's possible, he's always so nice to me." Y/n smiles at the thought of Taehyung.

"Well, he's nice to everyone." Rosé adds.

"I don't know, It's just my gut feeling telling me that he likes me too." Y/n shrugs.

"Anyways, I have to go." Y/n stands up and packs her lunch bag.

"Aww, why? can't you stay with us a little longer?" Rosé pouts.

"I have to get my homework done; I'll just be in the library if you need me." Y/n smiles.

"Okay, bye." Rosé smiles back.

"Bye." Jungkook waves.


Y/n enters the library and takes a seat, she takes out her binder from her backpack and starts working on homework.

Moments later, Jimin enters the library and spots Y/n sitting by herself, he approaches her and takes a seat beside her. She looks up and notices him, causing her mood to drop.

"What now?" Y/n asks with attitude, clearly showing she doesn't want Jimin around.

"Nothing, I just saw you and thought it'd be nice to give you company." Jimin smiles, hoping that it gives the impression that he means no harm.

"What? So you could pick on me some more?" Y/n raises her brow

"You know, I may seem like a bully or a pest to you, I promise I'm not that bad."

"Sure you are, you've done nothing the past month to prove that." Y/n resumes to do her work.

"I promise." He grabs a book from the desk and opens it.

"Whatever, I'm leaving." Y/n says as she packs her stuff in her backpack.

"But why?" Jimin stares at her, looking for an answer.

"Because I can't stand being anywhere near you." Y/n responds before leaving the area and exiting the library to head to class, leaving Jimin all by himself.


"Have you finished the homework?" Rosé asks.

"Yeah. Lemme guess, you wanna copy?" Y/n chuckles.

"Yeah..." Rosé chuckles along before rubbing the back of her neck.

"Just hurry before the teacher arrives." Y/n hands Rosé her binder.


Classes had just ended and the trio were just by the lockers, preparing to leave school grounds.

"Rosé, hurry up, you're taking forever." Y/n rushes her as she applies lip tint in front of the mirror hanging on her locker door.

"Rushing me will only make me slower, so don't even try." Rosé spoke.

"Hey Y/n, do you like mint chocolate chip ice cream?" Jungkook asks out of boredom.

"Heck no, I don't like toothpaste flavored things, it's disgusting." Y/n scrunches her nose in disgust.

"HEY! It is not disgusting, it quite delicious actually." Jungkook objects.

"The ice cream makers probably ran out of ideas for new flavors, so they probably just ended up taking a tube of toothpaste, stuck chocolate in it, put it in the freezer, then called it ice cream." Y/n retorts.

"You are racist against ice cream flavors!" Jungkook utters.

"Whatever, I'm hungry I'm gonna go to the cafeteria to buy a snack. You guys want anything?" Jungkook asks.

"Nahhh" Y/n declines. Jungkook turns to Rosé.

"Can you get me a blueberry muffin?" Rosé requests politely.

"Okiee, see you guys in a bit." Jungkook smiles before fleeing the area.

Moments after Jungkook left, Y/n spots Taehyung from a far, gradually approaching.

"Shh. I see Taehyung. shh." Y/n lightly slaps Rosé's arm.

"I wasn't even saying any-"

"SHHH." Y/n shushes, accidentally spitting on Rosé's face. Rosé's face scrunch up in disgust, using her index finger to wipe the spit off her face.

As Taehyung approaches, you noticed he was by himself without his friends beside him, which is a bit unusual because there are always either two or three friends that would always accompany him everywhere.

"Y/n, May I talk to you alone for a moment?" Taehyung asks. She turns to Rosé, she nods, giving Y/n the okay signal.

"Okay, sure." Y/n says as they both head towards a hallway corner that was unpopulated.

"So, what's up?" Y/n asks.

"I, uhh, was wondering if maybe you'd like to grab some coffee sometime?" Taehyung stutters timidly. Y/n now knows why his friends aren't with him.

"Are you asking me out on a date?" Y/n blushes profusely.

"Yeah, guess I am." Taehyung awkwardly smiles, rubbing his nape bashfully.

Y/n seeing Taehyung, who is usually so confident and flamboyant, being all shy and timid around her makes her feel some sort of way, and she couldn't describe that feeling, but she likes it very much.

"Uhh, I'm not quite sure if I can make a decision yet." Y/n looks down feeling ashamed.

"It's okay, I'll give you time, you could just text me when you'd like to go." Taehyung smiles.

"Thank you, Taehyung." Y/n returns the smile.

As much as Y/n wants to go out with Taehyung, she couldn't decide because she was also starting to develop feelings for Jungkook.

She still likes Taehyung but she couldn't help that she was starting to like Jungkook.

"You're welcome." Taehyung says, then waves at her and leaves the area.

Word count - 868


Hey guys sorry again if this chapter is short, changing the story line drastically to make it better is really difficult. but i hope you still enjoyed everything nonetheless. :)))) 

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